Buy Used: OSUsed Store summer clearance sales on Aug. 23 and 26

Much of the OSUsed Store’s merchandise will be on sale at our Summer Clearance Sales on Tuesday, August 23rd between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. and Friday, August 26th between 12:00 and 3:00 p.m. The clearance prices will be as follows: Specially marked items throughout the store 50 or 75% off Buy one item, get one […]

August 18, 2016

Clerance sale graphic

Much of the OSUsed Store’s merchandise will be on sale at our Summer Clearance Sales on Tuesday, August 23rd between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. and Friday, August 26th between 12:00 and 3:00 p.m. The clearance prices will be as follows:

  • Specially marked items throughout the store 50 or 75% off
  • Buy one item, get one free within orange dot sticker merchandise (includes computer peripherals such as monitors, printers, video cards, etc.)
  • Buy one item, get one free within white price gun tag merchandise (includes housewares, office supplies, lab glass and equipment, and more)
  • Football cleats 50% off ($15/pair)

About OSUsed Store Sales

The OSUsed Store carries computers and computer accessories, furniture (desks, file cabinets, tables, chairs, bookcases, etc), office supplies, sporting goods, household items, bicycles and much more.

We are is located at 644 SW 13th Street in Corvallis (view on Google Maps). The store is operated by OSU Surplus Property and sells surplus equipment and material to departments on campus as well as members of the public during special public sales, in an effort to reduce landfill waste and keep money in the university.

While public sales provide an opportunity for the general public to make personal purchases, departments are welcome to shop 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. Note: Buy one, get one free and football cleat deals are good only during clearance sale times listed above.

See more sale dates on our calendar. For more information, visit our OSUsed Store webpage or contact us.

A view of the OSUsed Store.
A view of the OSUsed Store.


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction