New OSUsed Store hours!

The OSUsed Store, OSU’s on-campus thrift store, has changed its public sales hours to two days per week: Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 pm Fridays 12:00-3:00 pm ​This means extra times to shop, more evening times, and a schedule that does not change from week-to-week. With this change, the new hours for staff to shop for their OSU […]

January 5, 2016

New OSUsed Store hours

The OSUsed Store, OSU’s on-campus thrift store, has changed its public sales hours to two days per week:

  • Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 pm
  • Fridays 12:00-3:00 pm

​This means extra times to shop, more evening times, and a schedule that does not change from week-to-week.

With this change, the new hours for staff to shop for their OSU departments, local government agencies and nonprofits will be Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Available merchandise includes computers and computer accessories, furniture (desks, file cabinets, tables, chairs, bookcases, etc), office supplies, sporting goods, household items, bicycles and much more.

The OSUsed Store is located at 644 SW 13th Street in Corvallis (view on Google Maps). The store is operated by OSU Surplus Property and sells surplus equipment and material to departments on campus as well as members of the public during special public sales, in an effort to reduce landfill waste and keep money in the university.

See our full calendar here. For more information, visit our OSUsed Store page or contact us.


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction