5 Easy Wastehacks to Go Reusable

Wastehacks [wāst-haks] pl. noun – any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that reduces waste in all walks of life. This term, Campus Recycling and the Waste Watchers will share with you easy Wastehacks so you don’t waste time or materials. Wastehacks to Go Reusable Last week, we talked about how to extend the life […]

February 2, 2015

Wastehacks [wāst-haks] pl. noun – any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that reduces waste in all walks of life.

This term, Campus Recycling and the Waste Watchers will share with you easy Wastehacks so you don’t waste time or materials.

Wastehacks to Go Reusable

Last week, we talked about how to extend the life of your everyday items in order to help avoid waste. But reuse is only the second R in the 3R’s, and the most important is waste reduction. One of the easiest ways to reduce your waste is to use reusable products over disposable ones.

Here’s five ways you can use reusable products around campus:

  • Bring your mug when you get coffee; you can get a 20-25 cent discount when you use your own mug at any coffee shop on campus.
  • Sign-up for Eco2Go! You will receive a 20 cent discount for each meal you use it with, providing a wasteless way to get your grub on the go.
  • Bring Tupperware when going out to eat to bring your leftovers home in.
  • Leave your reusables where you need them: keep a bag in your car or Tupperware at work so you’ll never forget them!
  • Put a set of reusable utensils in your bag to avoid using disposable servingware.

How do you reuse? Comment with your Wastehacks to go reusable.

Wastehacks” is a weekly blog series where we share quick waste reduction tips. Tune in every Monday this term for more.


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction