OSU news research and communications feature solar arrays in recent article

Content adapted from OSU News & Research Communications, Mark Floyd OSU takes part in Oregon University System’s “Solar by Degrees” Program Oregon State University recently brought online the largest of it’s ground mounted solar electric arrays, covering 6 acres on the Corvallis campus.  In a Tuesday article from OSU News & Research Communications, the five […]

May 8, 2014

Content adapted from OSU News & Research Communications, Mark Floyd


OSU takes part in Oregon University System’s “Solar by Degrees” Program

Oregon State University recently brought online the largest of it’s ground mounted solar electric arrays, covering 6 acres on the Corvallis campus.  In a Tuesday article from OSU News & Research Communications, the five ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays were featured as the university moved forward to become a greener, more efficient and less costly university. The article explained Solar City‘s installation of panels not only at three sites on the Corvallis campus but also in Aurora, Oregon and at the OSU Extension Center in Hermiston. The article includes facts like the three arrays on campus cover over ten acres of space and have the power to generate over 2.6 million kilowatt hours of power per year.

Brandon Trelstad, OSU Sustainability Coordinator, was featured several times throughout the article explaining how the partnership between OSU and Solar City works.

To read the full article, click here, and be sure to share with members of the OSU Community!


CATEGORIES: Campus Sustainability Climate Action Plan Energy Natural Features and Landscaping