Dept. Shredding Discount Week offers 50% off and a chance to win RecycleMania

In order to encourage OSU departments to recycle during the RecycleMania competition, Campus Recycling is offering a Departmental Shredding Discount Week this week, Monday-Friday, March 17-21. OSU departments that submit confidential paper pick-up requests online during this timeframe will get 50% off (regular price is 15¢ per lb.). Please note that only paper from OSU […]

March 17, 2014

In order to encourage OSU departments to recycle during the RecycleMania competition, Campus Recycling is offering a Departmental Shredding Discount Week this week, Monday-Friday, March 17-21.

OSU departments that submit confidential paper pick-up requests online during this timeframe will get 50% off (regular price is 15¢ per lb.). Please note that only paper from OSU departments will be accepted.

Get a discount, clean house and help OSU boost its paper recycling weights before the end of the RecycleMania competition! rm-2014-civil-war-scoreboard-wk5

According to our calculations, if we collected the same amount of confidential collected during this event last year, we would nearly tie up the competition!


  • Submit an online request here during this week (must be placed on or between Monday, March 17 and Friday, March 21 for fee to be waived).
  • While we ask that you submit your request during this week, we cannot guarantee that your material will be picked up this week (since we anticipate having a high number of requests, we may not be able to pick-up within our usual 3 business days). However, all requests submitted during finals week will receive the discount even if they are not picked up during that week.
  • We anticipate picking up all finals week requests by the end of spring break – Friday, March 28.

Questions? Please contact Andrea Norris via email or 541-737-5398.

contact Andrea Norris via email or 541-737-5398


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction