Question of the Week: RecycleMania Civil War

Time for our Question of the Week! The first person to respond with the correct answer will win an OSU ChicoBag. Submit your answer here (“Leave a Reply,” below) or on our Facebook page. Only one post per person, please. Question of the Week Every year for RecycleMania, OSU and UO become locked in a civil war […]

March 12, 2014

ChicoBag-win-meTime for our Question of the Week!

The first person to respond with the correct answer will win an OSU ChicoBag.

Submit your answer here (“Leave a Reply,” below) or on our Facebook page. Only one post per person, please.

Question of the Week

Every year for RecycleMania, OSU and UO become locked in a civil war to see who can recycle the most. As of March 11, who is currently in the lead? Please list the university and how many lbs. recycling/student they have.


Currently, UO is in the lead of the recycling civil war. While we are trailing UO, the good news is that we CUT THEIR LEAD IN HALF over last week. There’s still time to tighten the gap!

And congratulations to Dianna Fisher for winning this week’s Question of the Week!


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction