Campus Recycling would like to welcome a new member of our team: Zach Stark, who started as our new student Program Assistant on December 30th.
Learn more about Zach by reading the staff spotlight below.
Title: Student Program Assistant
Degree program: Electrical Engineering
Year in school: Freshman
What do you do at Campus Recycling?
I help with the logistics behind recycling projects, events and presentations in the attempt to spread recycling to as many people as possible.
What are you looking forward to most at your job?
I can’t wait to set up a way of collecting data on the effectiveness of these projects. I’ll get to use everything I’ve learned from my science coursework for something useful.
What are the main ways you reduce waste at home or at school?
At home I have a recycle bin I use. I also plan on registering for a compost bin as soon as possible.
Where are you from?
Beaverton, Oregon
Tell us something other people may not know about you.
I’ve loved origami for many years and I’m pretty good at it now. My favorite thing to fold is a fox. Everyone’s always really impressed when I make it.
If you could change one thing at OSU that relates to waste reduction, what would it be?
I’d like to get a video or presentation of sorts implemented in the orientation program for freshman. It would get the correct information out to a large demographic that’ll probably be here for 4 or more years.
Welcome to the team Zach!
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling