Corvallis Sustainability Coalition to host Edible Front-Yard Garden Tour

Spend your Wednesday evening learning how to live and eat sustainably! Looking for ways to give back to the Corvallis community this summer? Tomorrow evening, the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s Food Action Team is hosting the third of a series of Edible Front-Yard Garden tours! The tour will be a guided walking tour throughout five different […]

July 9, 2013

Spend your Wednesday evening learning how to live and eat sustainably!

A host/garden owner encourages tour participants to begin the process of creating and sustaining an edible garden

Looking for ways to give back to the Corvallis community this summer? Tomorrow evening, the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s Food Action Team is hosting the third of a series of Edible Front-Yard Garden tours! The tour will be a guided walking tour throughout five different neighborhood residences implementing sustainable eating practices by planting and maintaining their own edible gardens. The complexity of each garden ranges from basic to intricate and each host/owner will be giving an overview of the foods they have planted and the work that goes into maintaining the gardens.

The tour will begin Wednesday evening promptly at 6:30pm at 1000 SE Park Avenue. Participants are encouraged to arrive on foot or bike, seeing as though parking in rather limited in the neighborhood area.

Can’t make it to this tour? No problem! The Food Action Team is planning another tour for August 22nd. Details will be posted on the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition website as the date draws nearer.

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