New Salem to Corvallis Vanpool

Calling all Salem to Corvallis commuters! Are you loooking to save money, reduce environmental impact and foster positive sustainable change in the Oregon Community? Valley Vanpool is recruiting new riders on the daily commuter vanpool running on Highway 99! The van accomodates those working on a 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM schedule. The van picks […]

June 21, 2013

Calling all Salem to Corvallis commuters! Are you loooking to save money, reduce environmental impact and foster positive sustainable change in the Oregon Community?

Valley Vanpool is recruiting new riders on the daily commuter vanpool running on Highway 99! The van accomodates those working on a 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM schedule. The van picks up in Salem at 6:30 AM and makes stops in Monmouth and the Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall. Drop offs in Corvallis include the Oregon State University Campus as well as 530 NW 27th St.

The cost for full-time riders on the Salem/Corvallis Vanpool is $135/month, and for part-time riders $95/month
The cost for full-time riders on the Salem/Corvallis Vanpool is $135/month, and for part-time riders $95/month

With the addition of this single new vanpool, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, and strains on the nation’s roadways will be reduced by taking up to 14 vehicles off of the road. Riders will have the opportunity to educate and empower other commuters on the benefits and ease of using the vanpool system.

What is a Vanpool exactly?

A vanpool is a group of 7-15 people who commute together to a similar location on a regular basis. The driver of the van is typically a volunteer from the commuting group who receives a reduced rate for transportation. In terms of gas and operation, the riders split the cost.

Joining a vanpool is an ideal option for those who work a fairly routine work schedule and commute over thirty minutes to their place of work. Riders are also typically interested in saving money (up to $5,000 a year in savings compared to the cost of using a single occupancy vehicle), reducing their carbon footprint, and encouraging other commuters to do the same.

A 15 passenger vanpool averages about 136.44 tons in CO2 reduction and 13,368 gallons in fuel savings per year.

vRide, the nation’s largest vanpool provider, provides Valley Vanpool, a partner of Cascades West Rideshare, Point2Point, Cherriots Rideshare and Drive Less Connect. For more information on scheduling, and other Vanpool routes, click here to visit the Valley Vanpool webpage.


CATEGORIES: Transportation