Share your insights with first ever TEDxOSU

This April, OSU will hold its first ever TEDxOSU on campus to inspire OSU students, faculty, staff, and alumni through ideas worth spreading. This event will highlight innovations that address the needs of our planet in the future, specifically with the intent to feature OSU faculty and alumni contributions in this field. The College of […]

March 7, 2012

This April, OSU will hold its first ever TEDxOSU on campus to inspire OSU students, faculty, staff, and alumni through ideas worth spreading. This event will highlight innovations that address the needs of our planet in the future, specifically with the intent to feature OSU faculty and alumni contributions in this field.


The College of Business, College of Engineering, Office of Corporate Development and Commercialization, NCIIA, and University Relations and Marketing are looking for presenters that can inspire this audience during this unique opportunity that will reach beyond campus to the peer institutions, the business community and influential mediums.

To submit a proposal to present at TEDxOSU, please fill out this survey by March 12. For more information contact Jennifer Villalobos, TEDxOSU Organizer and NCIIA Student Ambassador.

Additional details

When is the event?

  • April 17th, 2012 at OSU in the LaSells Stewart Center
    • TEDx Talks – 7pm to 9pm
    • Reception – 9pm to 10pm

What is a TEDx?

  • A TEDx event is an independently organized event that allows thought leaders to share their ideas in an inspiring way, just as TED Talks do.

What is TEDxOSU’s Theme?

  • Our Planet.  TEDxOSU will focus on Our Planet and the innovations that will help it to sustain in the future.  Specifically, the focus will be on innovations regarding energy and water.

Who is sponsoring the event?

  • OSU College of Business, OSU College of Engineering, Office of Corporate Development and Commercialization, NCIIA, University Relations and Marketing

What type of presenters are we looking for?

  • Thought leaders in the OSU community with ideas worth spreading around innovations in areas that impact our planet
  • Passionate individuals that believe they can inspire others through their message

What are the benefits of involvement?

  • Be part of the first group of TEDxOSU presenters, a group that will inspire others to be involved in future TEDxOSU events as it become an annual tradition at OSU
  • Spread your research and inspiring innovations to a large audience not just at OSU but also through social media outlets that will reach people around the world
  • Prefect your presentation skills

What is the time commitment?

  • Becoming a presenter at TEDxOSU has the following commitments
    • Attend an introductory meeting to go over the format of the event (1.5 hours)
    • Meet with a presentation specialist to prefect your presentation (2-4 hours)
    • Attend an event rehearsal (1-2 hours)

What is the timeline for Presenters?

  • March 12 – Applications to speak are due
  • March 16 – Presenters will receive notification of selection
  • March 19 to 23 – Introduction meeting will be held (1.5 hours)
    • Can participate through  a conference call if needed
  • April 2 – First Draft of presentation due
  • April 3 to 11 – Meet with Communication Specialist to refine presentation (2-4 hours)
  • April 13 – Rehearsal (2 hours)
  • April 17 – TEDxOSU


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