RecycleMania: A Recap, Plus What is Yet to Come!

We are halfway through RecycleMania and so far OSU has recycled and composted 247,269 lbs – up more than 50,000 lbs over this time last year! We’ve held many events over the term and have many yet to come. Two weeks ago we displayed our sea creature made by OSU students, out of recycled materials. […]

March 2, 2011

Recycled Structure

We are halfway through RecycleMania and so far OSU has recycled and composted 247,269 lbs – up more than 50,000 lbs over this time last year!

We’ve held many events over the term and have many yet to come. Two weeks ago we displayed our sea creature made by OSU students, out of recycled materials. It generated a lot of interest in the Memorial Union Quad as well as on Facebook and Twitter.


Just last week the Peer Health Advocates braved the chilly weather to run a clothing and household swap in the MU Quad, and ASOSU, Campus Recycling and Surplus Property coordinated e-waste collection sites across campus.

We collected 4,801 lbs of e-waste in just two days (10 event hours), up 673 lbs over last year’s e-waste collection events!

But we’re not giving up there…we’re bringing you much more! See all our remaining events below.


Show your support on Facebook.

Refer a Friend Sale at the OSUsed Store Wed, Mar 2, 5:30-7:30pm, OSUsed Store (644 SW 13th St) All new customers and the friends that refer them get 25% off! We carry bicycles, furniture, computers and electronics, household items, vehicles and more.  All new customers who come to the March 2 sale will receive 25% off their purchases on any one sale day in March. Existing customers who bring in a new customer with them to the March 2 sale will receive 25% off their purchase at the March 2nd sale! Sale price excludes spot bid and online sale items. Customer is considered new if s/he has not made a purchase within the last year. Sponsored by Surplus Property.

CRAFT 2: reCycled gaRden Art craFt nighT Thur, Mar 3, 3-7pm, Student Sustainability Center (738 SW 15th St) Whether or not you attended the first C.R.A.F.T., this is a fun opportunity to channel your inner artist.  We will be making signs, plant holders, and much more out of recycled and reused materials, to be displayed in the SSC’s garden.  There will be snacks available for those who attend. Sponsored by the Student Sustainability Initiative.

Make Your Own Menstrual Pads Thur, Mar 3, 6pm, Women’s Center Tired of stuffy “sanitary napkins”? Consider homemade menstrual pads! They are comfortably customized to your use and preference, and are a healthy alternative to the variety of chemicals found in synthetic products. Nothing to buy and nothing to throw out! “On the Rag” never felt this good.  This intimately set class gets women together to design and fashion reusable cloth menstrual pads. Patterns and materials will be provided. Sponsored by the Women’s Center.

Recycle Fashion Show Thurs, Mar 3, 7pm (doors open at 6pm), MU Ballroom ($5) OSU students showcase their sense of design through the OSU Fashion Organization’s annual Recycle Fashion Show. This year’s show, Dumpsters to Diamonds, is sure to bring in a record amount of spectators and student designers. Tickets are $5 each and will be sold in the MU Quad Feb 28 through Mar 3 at 10am – 2pm each day. The show will start promptly at 7pm on March 3, with standing room being let in at 7pm. Be sure to make it on time if you want to get a good seat! Sponsored by the OSU Fashion Organization.

Show Your Pride Craft Party Fri, Mar 4, 3-5pm, Pride Center (15th & A) Show your pride by rainbow tie dying a reused item of clothing and creating custom stickers (made from scraps from the OSU Sign Shop) for your water bottle, bicycle, or whatever else you want! You bring one or more items of clothing to dye and we’ll provide the rest!  Sponsored by the Pride Center.


FREE Styrofoam Collection Week Mon-Fri, March 7-11, time varies by location:

  • Surplus Warehouse (644 SW 13th St) – M-F 8am-5pm
  • Student Sustainability Center (738 SW 15th St) – M-F 11am-5pm
  • McNary Service Center (1300 SW Jefferson Ave) – M-F 8am-7pm, Sa 9am-7pm, Su 12-7pm
  • Arnold Service Center (681 SW 26th St) – M-F 8am-7pm, Sa 9am-7pm, Su 12-7pm
  • West Service Center (351 SW 30th St) – M-F 8am-7pm, Sa 9am-7pm, Su 12-7pm
  • Black Cultural Center (2320 SW Monroe Ave) – M-Th 10am-7pm, F 10am-5pm
  • Centro Cultural Cesar Chavez (691 SW 26th St) – M-Th 10am-7pm, F 10am-5pm
  • Native American Longhouse (311 SW 26th St) – M-Th 10am-7pm, F 10am-5pm

Bring CLEAN (no food or other debris) expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) blocks, wraps, “egg crate” foam and packing peanuts to any of the drop sites listed below, during the site’s open hours. Please sort out packing peanuts into the separate, smaller bin. Recycling this material will be FREE during the collection week only, so take advantage of this opportunity! Sponsored by Campus Recycling, SSI, UHDS, BCC, and CCCC.

Residence Hall Recycling Competition Waste Audits Mon, Mar 7 and Fri, Mar 11, 9am-4pm, Recycling Warehouse, 644 SW 13th St Join us to conduct dumpster audits for a residence hall competition; volunteer for any length of time between 9am and 4pm on Monday and/or Friday. Help us achieve our goal of auditing a dumpster from every hall, and become an expert on how to recycle at the same time! Dumpster material will be sorted into what can and cannot be recycled in the halls; the hall with the lowest % (by weight) of recyclables in their dumpster will win a prize for their hall! Results and “grades” will be shared with The Daily Barometer and online. Sponsored by Campus Recycling and UHDS.

Organize Your Office Workshop Thur, Mar 10, 12-1pm, MU Journey Room Join Kristin Bertilson, owner of Queen B Organizing, to learn tips and tricks for organizing your office, including your desk, electronic files, emails, and storage closets.  Learn how to make your work area more functional and welcoming, and become familiar with campus resources that will help you get organized and accept material you no longer need. All who attend may enter a drawing to win a one-hour personal consultation with Kristin Bertilson! Workshop free for all OSU staff. Sponsored by Campus Recycling and Surplus Property.

Departmental Spring Cleaning! Mon-Fri, Mar 14-18 and 21-25, Your Department Time to get ready for spring term! Let Campus Recycling and Surplus Property help you get organized for spring by picking up all your unneeded papers and equipment! Use our online recycling request form and surplus pickup request system to get extra recycling bins or to schedule a pickup of surplus property, respectively. Get everything in by March 25 so you’re ready for the new term AND can help us boost our RecycleMania weights before the competition ends! Sponsored by Campus Recycling and Surplus Property.


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction