EPA recycling challenge fundraises for local food share

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU is competing for the first time in the EPA Game Day Challenge, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. Campus Recycling, OSU Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Linn Benton Food Share, and a group of dedicated volunteers came together at the October 30th OSU […]

November 9, 2010

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU is competing for the first time in the EPA Game Day Challenge, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games.

Campus Recycling, OSU Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Linn Benton Food Share, and a group of dedicated volunteers came together at the October 30th OSU football game to recycle for the greater good. We collected and sorted recyclables from the tailgating areas, stadium gates, and stadium stands and redeemed deposits to contribute to the Linn Benton Food Share.

Deposit containers collected, sorted & redeemed for the food share
Deposit containers collected, sorted & redeemed for the food share

The Results:


  • We recycled approximately 6,456 lbs – over 3 tons!
  • We collected and sorted approximately 6,620 deposit containers (glass, metal, and plastic)!
  • We raised approximately $331 for the food share!
  • We brought together 40 volunteers to work together toward a common goal!

National EPA rankings should be available soon.

We are very pleased with the success we had in our first year! We also know we have much room for improvement in the future, as our diversion rate at this game was 28% lower than the estimated annual diversion rate for the OSU Corvallis campus. How do you think we can improve? Please comment with your ideas!

For more information about this initiative, please visit http://recycle.oregonstate.edu/athletics/EPAchallenge.cfm.

CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction

3 thoughts on “EPA recycling challenge fundraises for local food share

  1. This is just absolutely amazing!!! I love how dedicated OSU is! Thank you volunteers for all your hard work and dedication 🙂

  2. Nice work, Andrea and volunteers! How many of those were water bottles? What were the other major components of the waste stream that may have prevented more waste diversion?

    One idea – maybe compost would help? Just a thought. I’ll look for another post of the rankings.

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