Recycling for the Greater Good at Homecoming 2010

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU has signed up to participate in the EPA Game Day Challenge this year, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. We will be bringing together a team of 50+ volunteers at the October 30th home football game to both increase recycling and fight hunger. […]

October 21, 2010

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU has signed up to participate in the EPA Game Day Challenge this year, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. We will be bringing together a team of 50+ volunteers at the October 30th home football game to both increase recycling and fight hunger.

With the help these volunteers, OSU SIFE and the Linn Benton Food Share, container deposits will be redeemed and contributed to the food share to help fight hunger in our community.

There are three ways to volunteer:

  • 9:00 am – 1:00 pm shift: Tailgater Recycling Collection Be part of a team roving through tailgating areas with recycle bins prior to the game, collecting recyclables from fans.
  • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm shift: Receiving and Loading Be part of team that receives the material, sorts it if needed, and loads it into a truck.
  • 10:30 am – 12:30 pm shift: Stadium Gate Recycling Staff waste stations at the stadium gates, helping fans sort their material into recycling and trash.

All volunteers will meet at the Reser Stadium loading dock on 26th St across from LaSells (behind a row of hedges). For more information, please contact Andrea Norris via email or at 541-737-5398.

If you’re attending the game, you can help us boost our numbers:

  1. Give recyclables to volunteers in tailgating areas. Volunteers will roam the tailgating areas with recycle carts to collect glass, metal, plastic, paper, and cardboard. If you do not see a volunteer, you can contribute your recyclables by taking them to the stadium gates as you enter the game.
  2. Pack it in, pack it out, or use designated trash bins. While tailgating, consider bringing trash home with you to help us reduce litter and waste. Alternatively, place trash in labeled trash bins and dumpsters, to make collection and measurements more efficient.
  3. Leave recyclables at your stadium seat. Leave recyclables at your stadium seat where our cleaning crews can collect them, rather than throwing them in a garbage can.

To learn more about this initiative, please visit

CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction