OSU Helps da Vinci Days Cut Festival Trash in Half

This year OSU Campus Recycling partnered with the da Vinci Days festival to start a waste reduction initiative at the July 2010 festival. A report has just been released, which includes all the results along with methodology, photos, ideas for next year, and more. DOWNLOAD IT HERE This report and many other resources can be […]

September 17, 2010

This year OSU Campus Recycling partnered with the da Vinci Days festival to start a waste reduction initiative at the July 2010 festival.

A report has just been released, which includes all the results along with methodology, photos, ideas for next year, and more.


This report and many other resources can be downloaded on Campus Recycling’s resources page.

Some highlights from the report:

  • An entire ton27 cubic yards– was diverted from the landfill (recycled and composted)
  • Festival trash was cut in half over 2009
  • Of all attendee waste (not including vendor operations), only 22% was trash
  • 69 recycling station volunteers were recruited, who contributed 196 hours (this doesn’t even include the Scouts, coordinators, and festival sustainability committee, who spent countless hours before and during the event)

Recycling efforts were coordinated by Andrea Norris and Pete Lepre of Campus Recycling.

CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction