Sustainability Office Offers New On-Campus Resources

In an effort to expand the sustainability conversation to a wider and more diverse audience, the Sustainability Office has started two related programs targeted specifically at OSU faculty and staff. First, in an effort to support wider awareness of campus resources, a newly-created listserv will distribute information that highlights sustainability activities at OSU.  While similar […]

December 11, 2009

In an effort to expand the sustainability conversation to a wider and more diverse audience, the Sustainability Office has started two related programs targeted specifically at OSU faculty and staff.

First, in an effort to support wider awareness of campus resources, a newly-created listserv will distribute information that highlights sustainability activities at OSU.  While similar resources exist for students, there has been no central email list of faculty and staff with similar interests.  Faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up, and should expect, on average, 2 emails per month.  Topics will include:

  • Significant recognition or awards received by the university
  • Events and resources that connect employee peers
  • Case studies and other means to share best practices between departments
  • Resources to share with students

In an effort to stay focused and minimize excessive email, the listserv will be moderated.  However, subscribers can help shape the conversation by suggesting topics of interest or sending content directly to us.  Subscribers are also invited to give feedback on how the listserv might better be used.  Please subscribe today or contact us and we’ll get you on the list.

The second program is the new Sustainability Advocates team we’re building.  Advocates serve as their campus unit’s sustainability representative, and as the liaison with the Sustainability Office, Campus Recycling and similar groups.  Advocates will be asked to attend quarterly or semi-annual meetings where they can engage in fun and informative conversations with peers with similar interests.

The Advocates’ role will also mesh nicely with the existing Building Managers role, although you don’t have to be a building manager to be a Sustainability Advocate.  We’re looking for anyone with a personal passion – not necessarily a professional duty – to help get their campus unit organized to address sustainability-related issues.  Sign up and help be the champion in your unit!

Participants of either program will be made aware of periodic funding opportunities and new incentive programs from Facilities Services, the Student Sustainability Initiative and others.  Don’t miss out…

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