New Website Launched!

The new OSU Sustainability website went live moments ago, and we’re still working through some issues and have some minor cleanup/fixing to do over the next few days, so please bear with us! Along with much of OSU, we made the switch to using Drupal to maintain and expand our website.  Honestly, I was reluctant […]

October 14, 2009

The new OSU Sustainability website went live moments ago, and we’re still working through some issues and have some minor cleanup/fixing to do over the next few days, so please bear with us!

Along with much of OSU, we made the switch to using Drupal to maintain and expand our website.  Honestly, I was reluctant to make the switch because of loss of customization and increased difficulty of some basic tasks.  We had several conversations with experts and between Dustin, Greg and myself, and decided the pros outweighed the cons.

What plan to use Drupal’s powerful collaborative elements that allow a wide variety of “ownership” over a site and its contents.  There is so much going on related to sustainability at OSU – we needed a content management-focused solution in order to advance our electronic outreach.

And I’m looking for contributors.  Contact me if you want to become a website contributor and share information about your involvement with sustainability at OSU.

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