National Recognition

First, thanks to those who participated in the first annual Oregon University System Sustainability Conference last week.  It was a tremendous success, in part due to great attendance.  I’ll try to get a little more about that written soon, including some of my favorite moments and next steps that will occur as a result of […]

October 29, 2008

First, thanks to those who participated in the first annual Oregon University System Sustainability Conference last week.  It was a tremendous success, in part due to great attendance.  I’ll try to get a little more about that written soon, including some of my favorite moments and next steps that will occur as a result of the conference.

In line with this thread’s theme, OSU has had some great attention lately for our sustainability-related efforts.  The latest is a Green Power Leadership Award, bestowed upon us by US EPA on Monday.  Andrea Norris was in Denver to accept the award on behalf of OSU and didn’t make it back in time to do the local press, but she deserves just as much recognition, if not more, than anyone because of her leadership when she was a student to get the fee in place.  Thanks, Andrea!  Check the website for more awards and recognition.

We’ve got to keep the momentum, and keep getting the word out about all the stuff we are doing.  The National Wildlife Federation’s annual Chill Out competition is one such way.  I’m looking for student leaders who are interested in entering the competition with a 500 word write up, a 3 minute video, or both, showing a project at OSU that combats global warming.  There are lots of experts to help you, but we need a champion to step forward and take the lead!

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