Experiences with Discrimination

Well, I feel as though this prompt has a very obvious answer. If my favorite company was faced with a lawsuit related to widespread discrimination amongst a certain subset that I associated myself with, I would of course feel some sort of negative thoughts about that company moving forward. In general, when someone is insulting or discriminating something you are apart of, its pretty normal to feel insulted or discriminated against yourself. However, for me personally, I think there would be many factors to take into account when it comes to pulling support from the company entirely considering it’s my favorite. Some of the factors I’d be including are the extent of the discrimination, if the discrimination directly affected the way I have to go about/ live my life in any way shape or form, if I knew people at the company who were affected, etc. If it was a company I had applied to work for then chances are I would just decide to simply not work there or even deny an interview if offered. One of my favorite companies right now is Nike. I love Nike products, and have all sorts of clothing pieces and shoes that are Nike branded. Because of how heavily involved in their style I already am due to the fact I’ve been a frequent consumer previously, I would have a difficult time moving away from supporting them. My main reason for saying that is because redirecting support in my opinion would also encompass not wearing the clothing or shoes I already have, and this is something I’m not willing to do (I don’t want to buy new clothes or shoes if I don’t have to). Additionally, I don’t know anyone personally who works for Nike, and considering I’m a pretty easy going person, likely my support for them in terms of buying products would not change. My answer would vary depending on the severity of the situation.

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