The Digital Production Unit provides digitization services to support the Special Collections & Archives Research Center’s (SCARC) academic and research mission. DPU staff combine professional-grade production equipment with current industry standards to provide support for collection-level digitization projects for Oregon Digital, SCARC patron requests, and SCARC exhibits. Limited internal digitization requests for small sets of non-archival items will be considered (as time permits) if the materials require both the expertise and the equipment of the DPU.

The DPU primarily creates new digital content along two paths; digital collections and digitization as preservation. Much of the production work goes into Oregon Digital. A core operation of the DPU is creating a high-quality copies of deteriorating original content that is in danger of being lost. Examples include videotape materials, glass plate negatives, DPU works closely with curators, archivists, conservators and other staff responsible for the care and management of special collections and archival materials as they undertake digital reformatting projects. DPU uses digital formats that are easily accessible and enable ongoing long-term management of the content for future users.

The DPU consists of Brian E. Davis, who manages the digitization and digital preservation operations, metadata technician Kevin Jones, and student technicians Luna Alvarez and Gabriella Grinbergs.

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