General Biology Concepts

complexity & organization, cells, structure & function, classification, evolutionary change, unity & diversity, inheritance, reproduction, development, life stages, regulation & feedback, physiology & mechanism, homeostasis, interdependence, interactions

the following two quiz responses deals with complexity reproduction, development, change, structure, mechanisms, interdependence, and more!

A succulent is a type of plant that is generally found in dryer areas. One way that succulents survive the harsh desert climates is with spines. They can use the spines to fend off animals from eating them. Another way that succulents can be designed to survive is by carefully shaping themselves to catch water. Some have leaves that form a sort of catch bowl that can catch rain water and filter it down into the central root area, called rosettes.

Aloe Vera is a common succulent that stores its water in its leaves. 

The ponytail plant is a large plant that stores its water in the stem.

lichen are considered a community because they are made up of different species. The taxonomy classification of lichen is Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Fungi and have three growth forms:

Crutose: flat and crusty

Foliose: leafy

Fruticose: vase shaped

Lichen are unlikely to find in bigger cities because they are very sensitive to air quality. You wont find them in places with air pollution which means you can use them to indicate if the air quality is good.

 My pond food web media covers structures, functions, interdependance, organization, and more.

 Pond Food Web Media

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