Project Update

Good week to all! This past week has been SO busy, but a very productive week as well. It is satisfying to look back and see all I have accomplished. Yet is daunting to think forward to all I still have to do.

For my project, I have made great progress on the new location form. It is fully functional and embedded with the new ticket form. I thought implementing real time listening was going to be really difficult, but it actually was quite simple. I also have successfully created a ticket display table. However, after meeting with my mentor and discussing the UI, I have decided to re-work the UI a bit. Rather than a table, I want to make the tickets clickable cards. I still also want to make it paginated, so I have to find a way to make the UI look good while incorporating all the features I want. Specifically, I need to do some more research into the firebase docs regarding pagination and filtering. Since this application could scale, I think performing the pagination while querying will increase the scalability and responsiveness of the site. With that, I will have to perform the filtering during the querying as well which may be a bit trickier. Definitely things I need to think more on and do more research about.

I will say that overall google has had such helpful documentation for firebase (in addition to the plethora of external resources about firebase as well). I have been able to successfully interact with our datastore, cloud functions, hosting and authentication fairly easily. Firebase has so many diverse services and integrating into my web app has been awesome! I would highly recommend it to anyone else considering what to use as a “backend” for their projects.

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