“Can Graphic Design Help Mend a Political Divide?” by Madeleine Morley

Madeleine Morley is a senior art director and senior editor who works in Berlin. She posts articles on AIGA about design in Berlin.

This article is a discussion on design’s role in politics. Morley interviews the two authors of a book on this subject called The Other Side. The authors, Lucienne Rogers and Rebecca Wright, say the focus of their book is to have people consider the perspectives of those they disagree with politically. After some introduction, Morley asks the authors why they chose to design the pages the way they did. The authors related it back to the goal of the book and said that they wanted to give people the space and time to reflect. This means more empty space and impactful typography. They say the entire book is built off of a central axis and halfway through, the pages flip upside down. The details of this interview also go into the explanation of font choice. The authors go on to discuss their effort to remain neutral in their design choices.

Morley, Madeleine. “Can Graphic Design Help Mend a Political Divide?” Eye on

Design, AIGA, 13 Mar. 2020, eyeondesign.aiga.org/can-graphic-design-help-mend-a-


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