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Dean Larry Flick


July 22nd, 2013

Selected Publications

Brown, S., Street, D., Barker, F. & Flick, L. (2013). Motivational factors influencing in-class peer tutors in engineering: A functional approach, International Journal of Engineering Education 29(1), 1–13.

Bledsoe, K. E. and L. Flick (2012). “Concept Development and Meaningful Learning Among Electrical Engineering Students Engaged in a Problem-Based Laboratory Experience.” Journal of Science Education and Technology 21(2): 226-245.  Available online: http://www.springerlink.com/content/a8423209t4782842/

Flick, L. B., Sadri, P., Morrell, P. D., Wainwright, C., Schepige, A. (April 2009). Analysis of university teaching in science and mathematics undergraduate courses. School Science and Mathematics 109 (4), 197-211.

Brown, S., Flick, L., & Fiez, T. (January, 2009). An investigation of the presence and development of social capital in an electrical engineering laboratory, Journal of Engineering Education, 98 (1), 93-102.

Monographs and Essays

Flick, L. B. (2009). An investigation of the presence and development of social capital in an electrical engineering laboratory, Annals of Research on Engineering Education,  www.areeonline.org

Flick, L. B. & Lederman, N. G. (2004). Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science: Implications Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Selected grants

Co-PI with Rebekah Elliott, Algebra in Context. ESEA Title IIB Mathematics Science Partnership 2008-2011.

PI Science & Engineering in the Lives of Students.  NSF ATE Program 2008-2011.

PI Collaborative Research: In-Class Peer Tutoring: A Model for Engineering Instruction.  NSF IEECI January 2009-January 2010, with Washington State University and OSU Engineering.

Selected Presentations

Melendy, R., Flick, L. B., & Rowe, S. (2011). Collegiate students’ epistemologies of the role of models in precalculus mathematics: A focus on the exponential and the logarithmic functions. Paper presented at the meeting of National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Orlando, FL, April 3-6.

Elliott, R. L. & Flick, L. B. (2011). Innovating mathematics and career & technical education projects in detracked algebra through teacher collaborations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 8-12.

Flick, L. B. & DeChenne, S. E. (2011). The engineered environment versus the natural environment as a context for teaching science in the lives of students. International Conference of the Association of Science Teacher Education. Retrieved from: http://theaste.org/meetings/2011conference/2011proceedings.pl

Flick, L. B. & DeChenne, S. E. (2010). Teachers understanding of context in teaching thermodynamics with a construction context. Paper presented at the P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit, Seaside, OR, August 11-13.

Invited and Keynote Presentations

Rethinking Mathematics and Science Education in High School. STEM Education Conference Engineering Education, University of Minnesota, August 15-17, 2011.

Teaching Students to Talk Science. Ewah Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, January 26, 2010.

Cognitive Consequences of Changes in Contexts for Learning. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, January 28, 2010.

Do Students Understand Sophisticated Learning Environments Generated by Research-Based Instruction? Presented at the Korean Association for Science Education, Seoul, Korea, January 28 – 30.