Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!
My name is Damion Maser and I have just begun my final year here at OSU. I currently live in Portland with my wife and two dogs, a two year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi and a six month old Bassett Hound.
Outside of the educational realm I am a technician at Intel, and I am hoping the completion of this program allows my career to soar to heights that I can only currently dream about.
When I am not doing homework I enjoy watching football, playing video games, and playing basketball and golf. My wife was a D1 golfer, so that’s the hobby that we get to spend the most time doing together. I am hoping my budding career can soon facilitate my growing love for the game of golf.
Up until I enrolled in this program I knew very little about computers and software, other than the fact that I really enjoyed playing games and needed certain software to do so. I was always interested in doing freelance game development, so I figured this program would sincerely aid in that. Unfortunately the only applied option that was offered online when I came into the program was cyber security, but luckily I find that extremely intriguing and would love a career in such a field.
My journey to OSU was rather atypical. I was sitting around at work one night, knowing that Intel reimburses tuition, and knowing I had heaps of free time on my hands while at work where I could conduct my studies. I was stuck in the middle of some workplace drama saying to myself “there has to be more to life than this for me”. I spent the following night applying to the program, winter ’21 a week before the application cutoff date, and the rest is history that is still being written.
I found a partner for this capstone grind right out of the gate. We clicked immediately with the intent to develop a game. After getting the rough idea approved by the professor we took a couple of his suggestions and the vision was born rather immediately. It is nice knowing that I will be working with someone passionate and dedicated over the next three terms to present something that we are genuinely proud of and something we can hopefully get on the market towards the end of our journey.
In the future I will be focusing on the development life cycle that I am living with our project. Including the highs and the lows, with a bunch of learning experiences that can hopefully help my readers avoid the mistakes I made in their own work. I hope you will ride this out with me to the end as we look forward to an exciting year ahead.
Until next time!