
It’s time for the midpoint check in! Here’s what we’ve got:

what we’ve got

I think it looks pretty good so far! One of the best parts of working with mobile app development (or really, anything UI related) is that what you’re creating is immediately visible and shareable even with those who are not familiar with development. Compare this midpoint check-in to, say, a project where you’re working on a compiler.

The main takeaway you might have from that gif is that we’ve got most of the UI pieces in place, even if the back-end isn’t connected. This approach was intentional since it can be much easier to troubleshoot back-end issues with the front end working. In that category, we’ve got the recipe search screen, detail screen, meal planner screen and profile screen all set up and ready to populate with actual data.

The pantry screen and login screen are actually almost fully functional, with the login screen actually connected to our firebase backend, and the pantry accepting user input. The pantry does still need to be connected to firebase, though, and it does need some validation still.

All-in-all, I’m happy with what we’ve put out so far. I think we’re on track for meeting at least a satisfactory final product. Hoping to get at least a few stretch goals in place – like generating a shopping list based off missing ingredients or something like that.

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