Soil type and the parameters associated with it (water holding capacity, %OM, etc.) could be important as we continue to investigate armyworm population dynamics. The Web Soil Survey is a useful, interactive tool that is freely available to all.

Investigating soil properties at field level may reveal trends important for pest management.
  • We are trying to discern why certain sites in our Tillamook trapping effort have 10-20X the amount of armyworm moths detected.
  • We know that when there is abundant soil moisture, more eggs are laid, and more eggs hatch, which increases the risk for damage by larvae.
  • Sites less than 5 miles apart have similar pasture management but very different trap counts.
  • In low-lying areas like coastal Oregon, the distance to the water table might vary between fields

I encourage you to check out the Web Soil Survey tool (link above) and do some “digging” around – there’s a wealth of information available!

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