The end is almost here

I’ve never been functional for this long while sleep deprived. Taking three classes while working full time and trying to enjoy my life is very difficult! I can’t really complain because I chose to do this to graduate in December. Currently our Capstone PawParks mobile application looks to be ahead of schedule.

Currently we have a working authentication system that allows registering/logging in with a generic email. We also implemented the typical stress free registering/logging in with a Google email. We have the Google Maps api working. You can search an address, city, area code or with your current location from your phone’s GPS. This will populate a map of your area with pins on the locations of dog parks within a certain radius. This also populates the results tab on the bottom portion the screen that will navigate to the dog park’s page when clicked.

We have a concept-only messenger page that has a working search bar at the top of the screen. Currently it is set to search by user’s name but soon will be switched to user’s screen name tag. We currently keep changing the schema for how our data is stored in firebase so it is difficult to work on the messenger system. In addition, we have a working account page and profile pages for the user and their dogs. You can alter profile pictures and other fields for both the user and their dogs. I need to implement the add/remove dog function. Currently you have to manually add the dog data through the Firestore website.

Implementing the add/remove dogs shouldn’t be too difficult. I am a little unsure how to approach the messenger system though especially how the schema of our data is always changing. Besides that, I think our project is almost “done” in respects to the requirements for the Capstone project page. I am happy how things are going and can’t wait till I have the opportunity to finally sleep well!

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