SWOT analysis of CS 467

The OSU CS467 capstone project course is a group project where students select a topic and work towards developing software as a team.

1. Strengths
The strength of this course lies in its structure as a group project with 3 to 5 members. My team consists of 5 people, which gives us the advantage of having more manpower, allowing us to build a robust application. I appreciate that this course allows students to choose their topic based on their interests and abilities, ensuring that all team members are invested in the project and leverage their unique talents.

2. Weaknesses
The course lacks detailed assistance or guidance on actual development or coding, focusing instead on the software development progress. This means that the responsibility for implementing our plans and overcoming challenges falls solely on our shoulders. In such a setup, if some team members are not contributing, it significantly complicates the overall project.

3. Opportunities
This course offers great freedom in terms of what we want to develop. We can decide and expand our project scope as we see fit. Although we have a project mentor and course instructor, they do not act as real clients, so we have the choice to define project specifications and requirements ourselves. This autonomy is a fantastic opportunity to develop a project that can be showcased on a resume and presented to future employers.

4. Threats
I do not see any significant threats that could negatively impact this course. If I had to identify potential issues, they would probably include uncooperative team members and vague project objectives and requirements. However, I believe these challenges are common in the real industry and provide valuable practice in dealing with them efficiently.

Overall, this course has been a rewarding experience, offering challenging projects and the opportunity to work with dedicated team members.

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