Blog Post #1 : Embracing Clean Code

As a developer, revisiting code written from a year ago (since I’m still quite new to coding) can be a little challenging to interpret, plus I can envision scenarios where I could have written less code to do the exact same thing. This common experience underscores the importance of clean code, which is vital for long-term project success. Clean code is about creating software that is not only functional but also readable, maintainable, and efficient throughout its lifecycle. I have chosen to read the following two articles that I’ll be discussing today: “Clean Code Explained – A Practical Introduction to Clean Coding for Beginners” from FreeCodeCamp (, and “31 code smells all developers should be familiar with” from Pragmatic Ways (

One principle of clean code that resonates strongly with me is the importance of using meaningful and descriptive names for variables and functions. Clear naming enhances code readability and maintainability, making it easier for others (and future self) to understand and work with the codebase. Descriptive names provide context and purpose, making the code self explanatory and reducing the need for comments and redundant code. Another principle I intend to embrace more diligently is writing short functions that do only one thing. This practice, which is rooted in the Single Responsibility Principle, ensures that each function in my code has a singular focus, making it easier to understand, test, and maintain. A critical habit I aim to avoid is creating “spaghetti code” which is code that is tangled, convoluted, and lacks a clear flow of execution. This was especially common in my first few months to a year of writing code. I still may do it nowadays when I’m new to a concept. Such code is prone to errors and difficult to maintain. Instead, I plan to prioritize a clear and logical structure in my coding. Another pitfall to avoid is neglecting the principle of code reusability. Writing code that can be reused in different parts of a project not only saves time but also enhances the consistency and reliability of the overall application. Incorporating these principles into daily coding practices can dramatically improve the quality of software development. For instance, replacing ambiguous variable names like ‘x’ and ‘y’ with context-specific names like ‘basePrice’ and ‘taxRate’ makes the code more understandable. Breaking down a complex function into smaller, purpose-specific functions can also simplify the debugging and enhancement processes.

Based on my reading of the article about code smells, one practice I would like to start implementing more often is regular and thorough code refactoring. Refactoring is crucial for maintaining clean and efficient code. It involves restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior, and it’s essential for eliminating code smells. The reason for focusing more on refactoring is its significant role in improving the readability and maintainability of code. It helps in simplifying complex code structures, making the code more understandable and less prone to bugs. One thing I want to avoid is the creation of ‘God Objects’. God Objects are a common code smell where a single class or object takes on too many responsibilities, becoming overly complex and hard to maintain. They are detrimental as they violate the Single Responsibility Principle, making the code less modular and more difficult to test and debug. Avoiding the creation of God Objects would lead to a cleaner, more organized codebase where each class or module has a clear purpose. Implementing regular refactoring and avoiding the creation of God Objects aligns with the best practices for clean coding and will undoubtedly lead to the development of higher quality, more reliable software.

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