Interview Crusher

Interview Crusher!

I have had previous experience interviewing for different internships, waitressing jobs, and an internship at a technology company. During my internship at the technology company, they asked me about my strengths and weaknesses. I think this was an effective approach because I was able to use personal experiences to demonstrate each ability of how I overcame, reacted, or achieved these characteristics. It shows what kind of person I am and what kind of employer I would be in different scenarios. On the other hand, it can have reverse affects if the interviewee does not have a good response or examples to back up each trait. Also, another downside, is it can lead to an unstructured interview that does not predict how well an employee would do in some cases. All interviews I was in have asked me about my previous experiences and some have asked about my GPA or test scores. However, I wish they would have asked about my learning ability and personality instead because I may not have all the exact experience from other jobs or perfect test scores.  However, I can learn and adapt to any environment very well. In Google’s article, “How to Get a Job at Google”, they concluded that learning ability using standard behavior interviews was a top hiring attribute they looked for and using GPA’ as criteria were worthless in predicting job ability. I would have liked if they asked me about my personality traits, so it would give a better indication if I was right for that job position. For example, if they will ask me if I like to take risks, am goal-oriented, or personable, they will see I have traits aligned for a sales position versus a technology coder. I also think it is important to note that interviews can be biased. According to the article ‘How to Take Biases out of Interviews”, unstructured questions during interviews used to determine perceived effectiveness was the worst predictor of actual on the job experience. If more of my interviews would have focused on a structured layout, the interviewer and myself would have been able to determine if I was fit for the job more easily.

Hope you all crush your future interviews!