Assistant Professor, Oregon State University

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Shaozeng Zhang is a cultural anthropologist who has been consistently researching environmental issues in global contexts, primarily focusing on grassland desertification in northwestern China and tropical deforestation in Brazil. His recent work was specifically focused on the policy evolution of an environmental financial mechanism REDD+ (Reduction of carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) in Brazil in the context of the ongoing global climate changes and the emerging global carbon markets. In his research career so far, he has developed collaboration with academic and environmental institutions in the U.S., Brazil, Indonesia and China. Dr. Zhang has published his research in multiple languages and in journals such as “Ecology and Society”.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Oregon State University

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Chelsea Graham’s research occurs at the intersection of environmental communication, rhetoric of science, and the history of rhetoric. Broadly, she is interested in the ways the relationship between nature and culture has been imagined and institutionalized on the American landscape, and the implication of that boundary for environmental politics and rhetorical criticism.

Associate Professor, Oregon State University

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Julia Bradshaw is an Associate Professor of Photography and New Media Communications at Oregon State University. She teaches all levels of photography classes, video art, landmarks in media content, and new media visualization. Her research interests center on the history and technology of photography with particular emphasis on art and data and art and the environment. She received her MFA from San José State University with an emphasis on photography and video art.

Professor, Oregon State University

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Jacob Darwin Hamblin writes about the history and politics of science, technology, and environmental issues. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Salon, and many publications devoted to the history of science, technology, and the natural world. Hamblin created H-Environment Roundtable Reviews and edited more than thirty of them from 2010-2015. He commissioned and edited essay reviews for Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences from 2011-2015, and has served as advisory editor for that journal continuously since 2011. He was advisory editor of Isis from 2009-2011, and has been on the advisory board of Environmental History since 2013. He has served as chair of the George Perkins Marsh Prize Committee for best book in environmental history, as well as the program committee of the annual meeting of the American Society for Environmental History. Currently he directs the graduate program in Environmental Arts and Humanities at Oregon State University.

Instructor of Writing, Oregon State University

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Tim Jensen directs the Writing Program and teaches courses in composition, rhetoric, and pedagogy. His teaching aims at generating what the Greeks called phronesis—practical wisdom for everyday living—by challenging students to apply personal interests and real exigencies to their work. He is currently focused on a book that reexamines rhetoric’s approach to pathē the passions of persuasion. Working with contemporary rhetorical theory, social movement studies and critical affect/emotion studies, the project advances the concept of the common sensorium, an affective and emotional analogue to common sense.

Associate Professor, Oregon State University

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Raymond Malewitz’s ongoing research is focused on issues relating to contemporary American literature, literature and science, environmental literature, and material culture. His monograph The Practice of Misuse: Rugged Consumerism in Contemporary American Culture (Stanford University Press, 2014) examines the emergence in late twentieth-century American literature and culture of new figures—“rugged consumers”—who creatively misuse, reuse, and repurpose objects in their environments to suit their idiosyncratic needs and desires. In its discussion of rugged consumer representations, the book offers new ways of understanding how economic and environmental anxieties influence cultural artifacts during the contemporary period.

Assistant Professor, Oregon State University

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Joshua Reeves is an assistant professor of media and rhetoric at Oregon State University, where he has a joint appointment in New Media Communications and Speech Communication. He currently serves as an associate editor of Surveillance & Society, the international journal of surveillance studies. His first book, Citizen Spies: The Long Rise of America’s Surveillance Society, was released by NYU Press in March 2017. He and Jeremy Packer recently received a contract from Duke University Press for a new book entitled Killer Apps: War, Media, Machine. He is on the faculties of New Media Communications and Speech Communication at Oregon State University, where he teaches classes in media theory, new media and society, and rhetorical theory.

Associate Professor, Oregon State University

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Ehren Pflugfelder teaches courses in professional/technical writing, new media studies, and rhetoric and composition. He is at work on a book project that examines connections between rhetoric, mobility, and technology, under contract with Ashgate Studies in Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Culture called Communicating Technology and Mobility. It argues that from the design of complex technical projects to our everyday use of mobility devices – automobiles, roadways, smart phones, etc. – we are immersed in a network of subtle arguments. This work also outlines some of the ways in which technical communicators can take up positions as symbolic-material workers that give voice to human users as well as important nonhumans involved in transportation projects. Ehren as also a Managing Editor for Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society.

Professor, Oregon State University

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Since 1984, Gregg has taught university alternative dispute resolution courses (negotiation, mediation, conflict management, international conflict and negotiation, environmental conflict resolution, and natural resources decision making). He has conducted numerous conflict resolution and collaborative learning training programs, directed a number of conflict assessments, and has led a number of process design projects. Gregg has facilitated numerous collaborative, multi-party public participation events (e.g., Collaborative Learning citizen workshops). He is both a practitioner and an academic, learning from and with members of professional/practitioner community, the environmental and natural resource management community, and the university community.

Professor, Oregon State University

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Bryan Tilt is an environmental anthropologist who specializes in the human dimensions of natural resources and sustainable development in contemporary China. He also engages in interdisciplinary projects related to natural resource issues in the United States, including sustainable agriculture, water resources, fisheries, energy production, and coastal development. Many of his research projects have applied outcomes, and he is interested in working with community members to shape policies that promote both human welfare and environmental sustainability. He has focused most of his research efforts on contemporary China, where serious environmental problems have taken on global importance. His research is grounded in ethnography, although he often uses a mixed-methods approach and collaborate with colleagues from other disciplines.

Assistant Professor, Oregon State University

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Amanda Tasse, PhD is an Assistant Professor of New Media Communications in the School of Arts & Communication, with an emphasis on visualization. She works across media disciplines including filmmaking, animation, videogames, VR and interactive art to investigate how different forms contribute unique and dimensional perspectives to multi-layered problems. She often collaborates with scientists to explore what she calls poetic science: new methods for popular science communication using arts based practices. Her media arts dissertation at the USC School of Cinematic Arts communicated a theme from marine science using a video game, short film, and visualization apps. In addition to her PhD, Tasse received an MFA in Animation + Digital Arts at USC, worked in the film industry prior to graduate school, did a Fulbright research project in Neurocinematics at Aalto University, and co-founded a community based arts education program, the Contemplative Creativity Lab, which investigates art as meditative practice.

Assistant Professor, Oregon State University

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Andrew Gerkey is an ecological anthropologist. His research focuses on the emergence and stability of cooperation and collective action. He has conducted research primarily with communities of salmon fishers and reindeer herders on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Northeast Siberia. Recently, he initiated several research projects across the Pacific in Alaska. His research combines qualitative and quantitative ethnographic methods to examine subsistence activities, market expansion, natural resource use, social networks, institutions, social movements, and sustainability.

Instructor of Graphic Design, Oregon State University

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Deann Garcia is a creative professional grounded in the field of graphic design, with a decade of practice driving brand development and identity. She combines a lifetime spent in the outdoors with a passion for design, a broad education, and business experience. Always focused on sustainable design theory, and well-versed in systems analysis and design thinking, her problem solving approach is both broad and deep. She strives to create designed objects which have beauty, utility, and sustainability at their core, and to partner with a company which shares these goals.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Oregon State University

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Shannon Cruz is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Speech Communication at Oregon State University. She currently works at the Department of Speech Communication at Oregon State University. She is also affiliated with the Michigan State University SRP Community Engagement Core. Her research focuses on social influence and environmental and risk communication, with an emphasis on quantitative methodologies.