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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for the ‘Student Clubs’ Category

Homeless Pets Get Helping Hands

Monday, May 13th, 2013

On April 6, 2013 the Oregon State University Shelter Medicine Club (SMC) hosted an event for the pets of people who are homeless in the Corvallis area. The event took place at an outdoor park shelter at Avery Park in Corvallis. The Occupy Corvallis movement and West Hills Animal Hospital worked in conjunction with the […]

Small Ruminants in Your Future?

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

The CVM Ag Animal Club invites you to a lunchtime talk on “Incorporating Small Ruminants into your Mixed Animal Practice” given by Dr. Annika Rogers (Class of ’08). The presentation will be held in Magruder 102 on Tuesday, March 5th, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Pizza will be served so RSVP by Sunday, March 3rd: vixvat98@gmail.com […]

Upcoming Events in the Theriogenology Club

Friday, November 16th, 2012

The CVM Theriogenology Club has a great series of events coming up this year. Club co-presidents, Kimberly Bruce and Ashley Runey are organizing a trip for next term to the Oregon Zoo to meet researchers in elephant reproduction. Also on the agenda is a palpation lab with CVM theriogenology resident Dr. Clare Scully. The club […]

Shelter Medicine Careers

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

The OSU Shelter Medicine Club is hosting Dr. Zarah Hedge from the Oregon Humane Society on Wednesday, May 23rd at noon in Magruder 102. Dr. Hedge will share her experiences as a shelter medicine veterinary resident and speak about careers and opportunities in shelter medicine. Burritos will be served for those who RSVP to dunhaml@gmail.com. […]

Students Help Hearing Dogs

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Once again the members of the Shelter Medicine Club put their hustle on and raised significant money for an animal welfare charity. The club sold a lot of coffee and bagels over the past couple of weeks to raise over $400 for Dogs for the Deaf, a non-profit group that trains shelter dogs to aid […]

Nicaragua Volunteers Thank Biomedical Sciences

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

The OSU International Veterinary Student Association would like to give a big thanks to Dr. Bermudez and the Biomedical Sciences Department for their continual enthusiasm and financial support of the annual service trip to Nicaragua. For the past two years, students have had the opportunity to perform self-led research projects on the island of Ometepe, […]

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