Student Robyn Thompson feeds critical colostrum to a newborn
rescue alpaca who was underweight and unable to nurse.
The OSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital is caring for 175 alpacas that were rescued from a farm in Polk County, Oregon. Most of the alpacas are underweight but in decent condition; they are housed at the west edge of campus near the fairgrounds and are eating like crazy. About fifteen alpacas with health issues are housed in the hospital, including 3 crias, two who were born shortly after their mothers arrived at OSU last week. One of the crias was premature due to his mother’s health, and weighed only 10 pounds at birth, but he is eating well and growing fast. Students named him Elliot Thomas because his tiny face and big eyes make him look like E.T.
Dr. Chris Cebra, OSU large animal veterinarian, is working to identify healthy alpacas that are ready for adoption. He is hoping they can go to new homes within the week. “Going to a family who can take good care of them is the best thing for them,” he says. Cross Creek Alpaca Rescue is handling the adoptions.
The sick, weak, and newborn alpacas will stay at the hospital until Dr. Cebra is sure they are healthy and thriving. Their care and feeding is costing the hospital over $1,000 per day according the hospital director Dr. Helio deMorais. If you would like to help with the care of Elliot Thomas and the other alpaca babies, please donate here: