Best Couple: Mike and Christy Glynn as Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds "Singing in the Rain"

Best Woman: Marilyn Monroe portrayed by Marshia Keene

Best Man: Julia Mulvaney's husband, Paul
This year’s SCAVMA Winter Formal “A Night in Hollywood” was a huge success! Over 200 students and faculty came to the Vue in downtown Corvallis dressed in their red-carpet best for a fun-filled evening of dancing, food, and great music!
Awards were presented for the best dressed man, woman, and couple:
“Best man” was awarded to Paul Mulvaney (class of 2012 Julia Mulvaney’s husband ) for showing up and looking dapper in a full tuxedo. “Best woman” was awarded to Marshia Keene from the class of 2013 for her great portrayal of Marilyn Monroe. The award for “best couple” went to Michael Glynn (class of 2012) and his wife Christy for their costume as Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds in “Singing in the Rain.”
“We would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Ron Mandsager who volunteered his time and photography expertise to capture the evening’s happenings. We would also like to thank Bryan Rensema (class of 2013) and his band Maxxout for their awesome music to round out the night. Finally, we would like to acknowledge VCA for their partial sponsorship of this event,” said Lindsay Baker, class of 2012, speaking for SCAVMA, adding, “Thank you so much to everyone who came and made this event a fabulous night to remember!”