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Iconic Views at OSU- making art on behalf of the ARt project

  March 13th, 2014

There are several inaugural parallels at work in this posting!

The first is- a new annual student exhibit on display now at Oregon State University’s new Beth Ray Student Success Center.

Iconic Views at OSU series #1

The second inaugural parallel is- you can see the first image of new art in a series, entitled: Iconic Views at OSU Series #1 on view there, with 19 other juried student art works until June 2014.
Make plans to stop by! Hours are 8-5, M-F.

Iconic Views at OSU is a new series that once completed will be comprised of 15 works. The artist is creating this series to raise local capital in support of her on-going work on the ARt project, and you can help by making a purchase of one of these works as a gift for yourself, your department, someone in your family, or as a gift to the community.

Watch a slideshow documenting the progression of the inaugural work in this series.

Iconic Views at OSU Series takes viewers on a visual exploration of human culture and natural resources operating in this particular setting; providing associative technology examples that exist in a collaborative reality across our local academic life.

From the artist’s original vision to provide greater public access to the Percent for Art collection, valued at $2.4 million at Oregon State University alone- the second phase prototype refinements of the app, is now preparing for what is the 3rd inaugural parallel: unveiling it at the 2014 Engineering Expo, on May 16th. This event is open to the public, so be sure to meet the artist, and the rest of the ARt project’s collaborative and exceptionally talented team.

Contact the artist here to purchase, or pre-purchase a work in the Iconic Views at OSU Series, and to find out more details about her vision for the series.

Support the ARt project’s development in art and access to culture in our community.

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