Reflecting on School

As someone who is doing a career change, 10+ years after graduating from college for the first time I have had a much different experience than I was expecting. College and learning have changed drastically since I first went. An all online BS in CS did not exist then (at least not that I am aware of). Not going to class, interacting with peers and instructors or being able to ask quick questions during lectures were all major drawbacks. The amount of information online, in multiple formats, how readily available it is, and the ease with which it is found is probably the biggest and most beneficial change. Even if I couldn’t reach across a desk and ask a question, I could simply google it and find multiple answers explained in many ways. Videos, lecture notes, and articles all came up on my searches and I used them all effectively.

Though there are serious drawbacks with an all-online program, there are many ways that these drawbacks are offset. They are additionally counterbalanced with the flexibility of living anywhere, being able to attend “class” anytime you want, and having open windows of availability to turn in work or take tests.

I really have enjoyed my time back in school and feel prepared to re-enter the workforce in a new career!

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