Members of the South Coast Tourism Marketing Action Team met at the Wild Rivers Coast Alliance on Monday afternoon, July 10.

Members in attendance were Marie Simonds, Michael C, Tim Scahill, Marcie Nunnelly, with Sea Grant interns Catie Michel and Dustin James. Members to participate in the discussion over the phone were Fiona B, Julie M, Alexa, Andrew, and Kelda of Travel Oregon.

Julie Miller of the Bandon Chamber of Commerce provided a subcommittee report that expressed initiative to apply for a small grant to hire an individual to organize and update OTIS data and files. The goal is to establish an efficient, long term system to maintain management of the ORB/OTIS data.

Marcie Nunnelly of the photography subcommittee provided information about a Survey Monkey that was filled out by the 9 DMOs of the South Coast (including Florence). The results of the survey highlighted the DMOs need to have more professional media assets at their disposal, the desire for collaboration to market the region as a whole, and a training component to educate on how to access these assets. Sea Grant intern Dustin James provided an update on the current Wild Rivers Coast Photo Project which is expected to be completed by end of August. Members of the committee expressed a need for a similar photo project to take place in the northern portion of the South Coast.

Lastly, Marketing Action Team lead Marie Simonds discussed the small grant application for a Local DMO Collaboration and Capacity Development project. This grant would be used to conduct a survey of DMOs in Wildlife Rivers Coast and South Coast Regions to assess current staffing, desired training, desired use of new photo and video assets, marketing goals, as well as the use of OCVA and Travel Oregon resources. Creation of a promotional video showcasing cycling and mountain biking routes in the South Coast is also in the works.

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