- Content from this site (http://tourism.oreognstate.edu) has been relocated to Oregon Sea Grant Sustainable Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Program web site at http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/tourism
- Our program for guides and outfitters, the Guide & Outfitter Recognized Professional (GORP) program can be found at http://gorpguide.org
Tourism Program Description: The Oregon Sea Grant program for Sustainable Coastal Tourism & Outdoor Recreation provides applied research for communities and businesses, direct business training, and advising/consultations with community organizations, businesses and individuals. Generally, these services are free or low cost. We work with Convention and Visitor Bureaus, Hotels, Tour Operators, Fishing Guides, Conservation Organizations, Agencies, non-profits etc.
Tourism Program Director: Miles Phillips, Oregon Sea Grant/Oregon State University Extension
Mr. Phillips works with local, state, national and international projects for sustainable tourism and community development. His work integrates elements of the tourism, agriculture, forestry, natural resources, adventure and outdoor recreation industries to create a cohesive, sustainable tourism program.
He develops and provides professional training and educational programs in support of tourism and outdoor recreation. He specializes in working with private landowners and partnerships with public land agencies. This includes work for rural agricultural landowners, rural communities, cities and outdoor skills for the public. Some examples of enterprises encompass such diverse activities as mountain biking, guest lodging, hiking, hunting, fishing, visiting pumpkin patches, photography, stargazing, landscape painting and kayaking, birding etc.
Key projects include online Extension courses for professional guide training and certification, customer service etc. (http:gorpguide.org).
Sustainable Tourism:
The UNWTO (2013) defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities” . The UNWTO (2013) concluded that sustainable tourism guidelines and management practices are applicable to all forms of tourism in all types of destinations.
The United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, 2017) concluded that, as one of the fastest growing global economic sectors, tourism can “help preserve natural and cultural assets,… empower host communities, generate trade opportunities and foster peace”. However, in order to realize these goals, the tourism sector must be well designed and managed (UNWTO, 2017).
How Extension Works –Services
OSU Extension faculty work with business people, growers, foresters, youth, and community leaders. They see first-hand what’s working, and what’s not working, in Oregon communities. Extension educators consult with scientists at Oregon State University, where they focus their research on the real issues important to real people. Results from that research circle back to the community through Extension programs. Knowledge grows from this cycle of reaching out and engaging the people who use it.
Although the tourism program is relatively new in terms of staffing, from the beginning, OSU Extension’s mission has been to convey research-based knowledge in a way that is useful for people to improve their lives, their homes, and their communities. View our locations across the state.
OSU Extension Service is part of the Division of University Outreach and Engagement. Other units in this division include Ecampus, Professional Noncredit Education and Summer Session.