2020 Tourism Stakeholder Survey Open
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Dear Tourism Industry Partners, 

Make your voice heard, complete this survey and forward this to others before the deadline of Oct. 30th, 2020 if you are concerned about economic growth, over-tourism, workforce investments, protecting the environment, building more tourism infrastructure (trails, kayak launches, etc.) or all of the above. 

Your feedback becomes part of the official record at the state level (Travel Oregon) and for Oregon Coast Visitors Association (OCVA) at the coast-region, which determines how funding is allocated across our departments, programs and projects over the next two years. 

2020 has presented new and dynamic challenges that require innovative problem-solving and leadership. Your responses will directly inform our investments and solutions to our shared coastal challenges.

We know it’s long (15 minutes start to finish), but your feedback is absolutely critical to ensure investments made in OCVA’s 2021 – 2023 Regional Cooperative Tourism Program plan are on target and address your concerns. The survey is available in English and Spanish. 

View the results of the 2018 Oregon Tourism Stakeholder Survey, which guided the development of our current 2019-2021 Regional Cooperative Tourism Program plan and all of our active projects listed in our RCTP Dashboard

Thank you for your time, diligence and commitment to the Oregon Coast.

Respectfully and Gratefully, 

The OCVA Team 
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