Pacific Madrone – (Arbutus menziesii)

While traveling in coastal Oregon watch for a tree with red bark and broad evergreen leaves. This tree is a Pacific Madrone.

Various conifer trees dominate the Coastal range but if you look you will notice the Pacific Madrone. Madrone is a broadleaved evergreen tree and a member of the heath family (Ericaceae).

It is distinguished by its smooth trunk, orange-red bar that peels when the tree is mature. The peeling bark reveals a green satiny, smooth stem.

Seed & Blossoms

Pacific madrone will grow to a height of 125 feet tall and may grow up to 4 feet in diameter. At three to five years old, it will begin to produce seed.

Trees begin flowering in early spring, from mid-March to May, depending on the elevation. The bell-shaped blossoms are dense, drooping clusters (terminal panicles) of small, white flowers.

The fruit is a berry (0.3 to 0.5 inches), that ripens in the fall, turning from yellow-green to bright red or reddish-orange. The berries were used by wildlife and humans for food, decoration, fish bait, and medicine.

The wood is used for furniture, flooring, turnings, paneling, veneer for hardwood plywood faces and core stock, pulpwood, and firewood.

Links & References

To get a PDF fact sheet about the Pacific Madrone from Oregon Department of Forestry see:

Sacred Trees

For some more cultural/spiritual thoughts about the Madrone see

“On the British Columbia West Coast, the Salish Nation also honors the Arbutus Tree as their ‘Tree of Knowledge’ because it knows how to find the sun. It twists and turns and somehow knows to drop one branch when there is not enough sunlight and it is shaded and it will grow a new one where the sun can reach it.”

The Oregon Coast hospitality sector is at a pivotal moment. In partnership with the Lane County, Northwest, and Southwest Workforce Boards, we are diligently working on the Department of Labor Critical Jobs grant project. This initiative is designed to align our employment opportunities with the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Good Job Principles and to develop actionable solutions to the challenges faced by our industry. Your participation is crucial to our success.

Participate in the Survey: Your Voice Matters 
To gain a comprehensive understanding of the current employment landscape, we are conducting detailed owner/operator and employee surveys. As of now, we have received 32 responses to the owner/operator survey, and we need at least 60 to meet our target. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, please do so here: Owner/Operator Survey.

For employees, we have created a similar survey to capture insights across all levels of the workforce. Employers, please share this link with your employees: Employee Survey.

Here is a link to the ORLA page with the information

Get free assistance to help your tourism business (such as a resort, hotel, restaurant, tour company) reduce waste, in particular, the use of single use plastics, and in general be more efficient and profitable.

Host business applications will be due February 17, 2024

Oregon Sea Grant provides this assistance through funding obtained by an EPA Pollution Prevention grant. Third- and fourth-year college students and graduate students are recruited to conduct projects that help Oregon businesses reach their waste prevention and sustainability goals. 

During this 10-week internship, college students are matched with an Oregon business to create sustainability solutions for industry practices. Interns help businesses improve efficiency, save money and reduce waste through projects based on preventing pollution.

The interns are PAID, and the program is FREE for first-time businesses.

This is a win-win program that supports environmental workforce development, waste reduction, environmental protection and economic savings.

By the end of the internship, each intern will provide the business and project team the following:

  • a final detailed project report, following OASE’s outline
  • a case study summarizing the project for an external audience
  • a presentation of project results to be delivered to the project team, business management, and external partners

Host business applications will be due February 17, 2024. Before submitting an application, please review the OASE Program Information section below and contact us to discuss your project idea.


Please review the Host Business Responsibilities, and then click here to apply.  If you need the application in a different format, please let us know. We would be happy to assist you.