It was a bright sunny morning. Beautiful blue skies.
Leaf rake in hand. The dog lagged behind, sniffing as usual.

The garden was just ahead, not more than 10 feet away.
A scuffle. A deep growl. My legs stopped moving.
The dog laser-focused on something angry nearby.

The palette crashed spilling nursery pots across the path.
The cat scream split the morning calm like an untimely tear of a dress seam.
The dog leaped, feet running before touching ground, barking fearlessly.

The cougar looked nearly as big as the 100-plus pound dog.
The giant cat didn’t know the dog also liked to climb trees

and that chasing lions was her birthright.

Not all wildlife is friendly

Courtesy ODFW

Living in a rural area, we are often surprised by the variety of wildlife all around us. Some of it is not very friendly.

Oregon is home to more than 6,000 cougars, also called mountain lions. Quite a change from the estimated 200 cougars counted in the 1960s.

Oregon has three cat species, all belonging to the same family as the domestic house cat. Cougars however are considerably larger than a house cat. Size will vary depending on location and prey population. Males can top 200 lbs. with females being somewhat smaller and lighter.

Territory pressures

Chance interactions with humans increase as cougar populations grow and humans encroach on territories. In recent years, more cougars are being seen in the wrong places, like suburbs.

Interactions occur not just from population increases. Territorial pressure, particularly with males also increase. Males are very territorial and will push out or kill young male cougars to retain it.

Cougars have the largest range of any wild land animal in the Americas. Males can have a huge range of up to 500 square miles; females less.  

Normally cougars are very solitary. On occasion will work as part of a pack (females raising young will congregate). Cougars can be found on the western half of North America including southern Canada, through South America. Some are found on the U.S. East coast.


Like other cats, cougars are graceful and muscular hunters. Great leaping and short sprint abilities make it possible for them to take many types of prey. Cougars will sprint between 40-50 mph, but typically avoid long chases.

They have large front feet with five retractable claws to hold prey. Back feet are smaller with only four retractable claws. Foot prints will look similar to a large dog minus the claws.  

Common prey includes: deer, rodents, porcupines, beavers, raccoons, rabbits, wild turkey, small insects, and baby bears. No species prey on cougars except humans.

Silent hunters

Cougars are not considered a “big cat” like a lion or tiger–they lack the physical ability to roar. Cougars will hiss, growl, purr like a domestic cat, and are well known for their scream. To safely hear cougar screams browse YouTube.

Check out these great references from the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wild life to learn more:
Living with Wildlife, Cougar ( ) which provides information on tracking, precautions, and safety.
Wildlife Viewing ( and hunting (
Cougar Country brochure (

Other references include:
–Wikipedia ( which has an excellent detailed description on cougar characteristics, behavior, range, and more.
–True cougar story above based on author’s experience… Yikes! The dog was a rather large Rhodesian Ridgeback cross. Ridgebacks are used in Africa for hunting cats and will climb trees.

Golden-mantle ground squirrels are the most distinctively-marked ground squirrel in Oregon. Black and white ‘racing’ stripes extend from the shoulder to the hip. The head is russet with a bright orangish-gold face, shoulders, front legs, and feet.

Golden-mantle ground squirrel,
courtesy of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife


Ground squirrels are found in dryer areas across Oregon and many states. They favor dry rocky areas, and the edges of meadows, tundra, and forest openings. Golden-mantles are very common throughout their range.

Big Cheeks

Golden-mantles must build body fat to survive hibernation. In the summer, they are busy filling their nearby underground food cache. They carry food with enlarged cheek pouches. If a predator threatens, squirrels will drop pouch contents to run faster.


Predators include coyotes, weasels, bobcats, badgers, snakes, foxes, hawks, grizzly bears, cougars, and sometimes dogs.


They eat just about anything including plant materials (buds, seeds, nuts, roots), many kinds of insects, eggs, young birds, lizards, nuts, mushrooms, and human food. Wildlife feeding is a chronic problem at picnic areas.


Ground squirrels make bold vocal calls, screeching, chirps, growls, and squeals. Sounds include: Screeching predator warnings, aggressive territory fights, and mating season calls.

Fun Facts

Golden-mantle ground squirrels will roll in the dust and comb itself with its teeth and claws to clean its brilliantly colored coat.

Squirrels are good jumpers and sprinters, and Golden-mantles are no exception. Squirrels have muscular back legs, double-jointed ankles, and sharp claws. Depending on the species, squirrels can vertically jump 5 feet and leap over 10 feet. They can run over 8 mph!

–Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (
–National Park Service, Ground squirrels ( and golden-mantle ground squirrels (
–Wikipedia, Ground Squirrels (
–How high can squirrels jump? (

What kind of fish is always looking up? A Halibut.

Photo courtesy of ODFW

The first time you see a halibut could be a surprise. Halibut are flatfish with eyes on one side of their bodies and some are giant!

Things are looking up

Halibut don’t start out as a one-sided. As a larva, halibut have eyes on both sides of their head. As they begin to mature, their left eye migrates over their snout to the right side of their head. They begin swimming one-sided which facilitates living on or near the ocean floor. They are always looking up. Hunting.

But wait, there’s two

There are two varieties of halibut off the southern Oregon coast: California (Paralichthys californicus) sometimes known as California Flounder and Pacific (Hippoglossus stenolepis). The two are very different. If you pull in one that is over 30 lbs. there is a good chance that it is a Pacific.

What if they are smaller?

It gets harder to identify them when they are smaller. The easiest way to identify them is to compare the lateral line shape. Pacific halibuts have a straight lateral line; California have an arched that goes above the pectoral fin.

Halibut Comparison:

Let’s dive a little deeper for more comparisons.

–Oregon Dept. Fish and Wildlife, MyODFW (
–US Fish and Wildlife Service (   and /species/California-halibut)
–Wikipedia, Pacific Halibut (
–Fish Watcher (
–National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “Studying bottom-dwelling fishes and crabs of the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf,” BobLauth(