Tag: simulation

  • Shaders: The Compute Kind

    Hello once more dear internet. Last post I wrote about the results of my planning and how I was putting off the whole FFT algorithm implementation so I could work on a placeholder. Well, the Gerstner Wave placeholder is finished. Now it is time to traverse the great sea of implementing FFT (sea what I…

  • Designed! (Sort Of)

    Let me begin with some catch up since last time. My team has met with our sponsor Dr. Patton multiple times. We’ve produced requirements documents and design documents, we’re finally at the point where we can move beyond “starting” the process, and into building. (Though I naturally started looking into tooling, APIs, and the requested…

  • My First Week

    So here I am writing a blog post for a class. One of the four classes I’m taking this term. Enumerated, these are my capstone project course (why I’m writing this), Public Speaking, Intro to Usability Engineering, and Intro to Entrepreneurship. Naturally, each course has its own policies and rules; more importantly each has its…