Week 8: Database and Migrations

I never thought about how to keep the database updated when working in a team.

Through this project, It’s my first time to learn the concept of migrations and database versions.


When I read through the flask web development book, the migration concept was presented. I did not know what it really do when I follow the instructions to include Flask-Migration into our project.

The only thing I know was when anything changes in the database, I need to migrate and upgrade the database.

Problem Envolve

Since my understanding of “migration” was too vague. I did not deliver clearly to my teammates about what were the situations that needed migrations, and what were the steps to migrate. There were some situations we need to upgrade and did not upgrade, so the migration heads are messed up.

This is the time I need to fix it and make sure we understand the basics of migrations.

Migrations Upgrades

What we use is a development database under a development environment, which means that the database should be local to ourselves. What we share with each other is just changes to the database structure.

For example, add one column in the “animals” table to record animal registered date and time, or add an association table to record users and animals tables many to many relationships. These are the times we need to run migration with

 flask db migrate -m "what changed comment"

This will create a new migration head based on your changes to the database. After the head is created, we can upgrade our database to the new head with

flask db upgrade

After that, I can push my code changes and new version to the project codebase. Thus, my teammates could use the new head to upgrade their side local database. We will be on the same page for the newest version of the database.

What I learnt

This process will be more toward industry real scenario. My thoughts on database migrations are still the most basics, but it will be a better foundation compared to my previous understanding.

I really learnt a lot through CS467 and encountered a lot of new problems that I need to solve. The process is full of fun!

Week 7: Platforms for Jobs

This is my second last quarter for this degree. I started job hunting for around 2 months. There are a lot more platforms that we can use than I expected.

Big Platforms

LinkedIn, a really nice platform to connect to professionals and HRs, many companies’ job posts are redirected back to companies’ career web pages. Some companies’ application process is through LinkedIn.

Indeed, I have used it for finding an intern. The application process is a lot like LinkedIn without networking features.

Glassdoor, I did not use their job search features before. Company-related info is super helpful, like average base salary, company working experience, etc.

Smaller Platforms

Handshake, I found this platform through OSU career emails. After building up a personal profile, company recruiters will send platform mails to you for opportunities. It also contains a lot of events opportunities.

RippleMatch, this platform is really easy to use. After filling out all personal info, the platform will push matched positions to your dashboard, easy application process, and someone from the platform will follow up with your applications. I got several OAs through this platform, applications are processed.

Big Company Career Page

For some big companies, like Google, Facebook, etc, all positions will be filled really quickly. I recommend checking on their new positions regularly for early application.

These are all my personal feelings. Please feel free to share any resources you use.

Week 6: Winter Time!

Our team just finished all our midpoint assignments, we decided to take a quick mental break for this week, and continue to work strongly for the next few weeks. I think it could be nice to come out of the serious staff and talk about my biggest hobby, snowboarding. It’s right on time for the season-opening. So happy the winter finally comes back.

Hiking for some powder @ Heavenly

How I met snowboarding

I originally came to the US from China. At around 15 age, I was taken to a local ski resort by my parents. They found someone who just used a single board, which looked super unique and cool. Luckily, the resort held 5 snowboards for rental, they decided to try them without knowing how to ride them correctly.

That was a tough time, I remembered they have to sleep on their belly instead of the back after snowboarding because their butts hurt really bad. After talking to someone who can ride really well, my parents got the info that there was one Japanese instruction material online. Gradually, they learned how to snowboard. At that time, I was learning skiing.

After two years of skiing, my heart was toward snowboarding more and more. Because my coach really wanted me to attend a regional skiing competition. After a discussion with my parents, I transferred to snowboarding, which means no professional coaches at that time. Snowboarding would be just for fun! This was the reason I love snowboarding till today.

Have fun and enjoy life @ Mammoth

Pause to snowboarding

During my time at the university in Beijing, it was super hard for a student to go to a ski resort. I needed to take my snowboard bags onto buses and subways, spending over 1.5 hours to arrive at a ski resort. In these 1.5 hours, it was highly possible to be standing all the way. I just managed to go snowboarding once a year during my four-year university life. No progression at all.

This situation continued after I came to the US for my graduate school, University of Missouri. For the first year, I did not know there was a ski resort two-hour away. I went to the ski resort twice for my second year. Also no progression, just make sure I will not forget how to snowboard.

Get back the addiction feeling

After graduation, I moved to the bay area California. So close to the sea and so close to the mountain, a perfect place for me. I found a marketing specialist job in the bay area and I can afford my hobby. It was so fascinating to know how affordable a seasonal pass was compared to my hometown. I started snowboarding regularly and dragged my boyfriend down to the snowboarding hole.

Who has fear to ski finally loves snowboarding @ Heavenly


My goals are super simple, make little and moderate progressions each season, keep healthy and snowboard for a really long time! I would like to see more unique scenes on different mountains!