Getting Started – Topic Exploration:
- Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
- Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology
- Harvard – A Brief Guide to Writing a Psychology Paper
Broad Searching:
- Google Scholar
- try out these search commands to get better results…
- (limits to educational institutions; also try it with .org or .gov)
- intitle:cognitive (looks for your search term in the page’s title, not just the page’s general content)
- -addiction (use the minus sign to remove results with a specific term)
- “workplace stress” (use quotes around a phrase to find those words together)
- try out these search commands to get better results…
- Library 1Search
- save items to your E-Shelf to easily find them again later
- see a book’s table of contents under “Item Details”
- use the filters in the left sidebar, especially for peer-reviewed and date range
Get More Specific:
- Library Databases
- PsycInfo
- limit results by methodology or age groups
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
- DSM-V Clinical Cases
- PsycInfo
- Tips:
- use the filters in the left sidebar to narrow your searches even further
- use the authors, subject keywords, and references of a relevant article to find additional sources
When you know exactly what you want:
- E-Journals
- Trends in Cognitive Sciences
- Journal of Experimental Psychology
- Annual Review of Psychology
- Psychological Review
- Interlibrary Loan
Helpful Tips: