To view this job/internship listing, you must be a currently registered OSU student and have an existing Beaver JobNet account. If you are eligible and do not have an account, register now. Beaver JobNet is a great way to get your job or internship search started. Meet employers from a variety of organizations.

Job/Internship of the Week

Sponsored Internship
US Department of Homeland Security



The National Center for Border Security and Immigration is now accepting undergraduate applications for the 2013 Homeland Security Summer Scholars Academy. This ten week summer program established by the National Center for Border Security and Immigration, which is a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence located at the University of Texas in El Paso (UTEP) is geared towards academically inclined undergraduate students from various disciplines interested in careers within homeland security and other related industries. Academic achievers may apply to work with professors on research which correlates with their discipline and is focused on border security, immigration and other homeland security related research areas of need at UTEP. Scholars selected for this program will also experience one of the most dynamic border regions, network with other students from UTEP and universities from across the nation, and visit homeland security agencies and learn from experts in the field.

Students chosen for the program will be awarded a $4,000 stipend and receive paid on-campus housing and a meal allowance if students selected for the program do not live within a commuting distance of 100 miles. The 2013 HS Summer Scholars Academy begins on June 4rd and concludes on August 9th. Student scholars selected from outside universities must designate Monday June 3rd as their travel day and check into the housing provided. On June 4th an Academy Orientation will be held for all scholars selected for the program with the time and location to be announced after the 2013 candidates have been selected. Please circulate the flyer attached to all interested parties. For program and application details please visit:

For more information on how to apply check out the posting in Beaver JobNet

With umbrellas showing up in movies, song titles, photographs, commercials and pretty much everywhere on rainy days (except in Oregon), it seems appropriate that there is a National Umbrella Day. Each year on February 10th pull out your umbrella to celebrate. While we all may own an umbrella, most know little about them, so here are some fun facts to help you brush up on your umbrella trivia. Around the world umbrellas are also known as a parasol, brolly, parapluie, rainshade, sunshade, gamp, bumpershoos and umbrolly. Also universal, their main objective is to provide protection from rain and shade. Umbrellas began to appear around the 11th Century B.C. in sculptures in the Middle East and China, looking pretty much the same as they do today.

Even though many Oregonians often opt for a raincoat, umbrellas are one of the most common accessories worldwide. With the Career Fairs and interviews coming up, select an umbrella! To ensure you make the best impression with employers arrive crisp and dry, by adding an umbrella on top of your raincoat. Just like your professional attire and briefcase, add to your ensemble a professional umbrella. Of course always dress yourself for the company you are applying to, so if it is an Oregon based outdoor wear company don’t bring along your umbrella; however, if it is a more corporate location keep dry with a nice looking umbrella. Here are a couple tips to selecting the perfect umbrella:

  • Canopy – Make sure it is well made and watertight, or else there is no point.
  • Frame – Check out the quality of the frame to make sure it will not collapse or flip out on you when a gust of wind comes up.
  • Color – While the bright pattered umbrellas may draw your eye, for a professional umbrella find one with neutral colors.
  • Type – Figure out which type of umbrella you like and which will suits you best, be it a traditional, automatic, compact, bubble, or high fashion umbrella.


Posted by Sami Kerzel, Career Services Assistant

To view this job/internship listing, you must be a currently registered OSU student and have an existing Beaver JobNet account. If you are eligible and do not have an account, register now. Beaver JobNet is a great way to get your job or internship search started. Meet employers from a variety of organizations.

Job/Internship of the Week

Farm Operations Manager
Pacific Northwest Farming Business


A long-standing pacific northwest farming business is seeking a highly motivated, experienced, self-starting individual to become the Farm Operations Manager. The candidate will take direction from, and report to, the Chief Executive Officer and other senior management members in carrying out a scope of duties as outlined below.

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

When the month of February begins, many are eager to know if the groundhog will see his shadow or not. According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow, winter will continue for six more weeks.

Since 1996, however, the beginning of February has also marked a new holiday and initiative called National Groundhog Job Shadow Day. Groundhog Job Shadow Day is a joint effort of America’s Promise – Alliance for Youth, Junior Achievement, and the U.S. Department of Labor in which students of participating schools are paired with a mentor from participating organizations, who they will “shadow” throughout the day, to experience how the skills they learn in the classroom can be applied in the real world. National Groundhog Job Shadow Day, celebrated the first week of February, is currently most commonly practiced in middle and high school settings, but grows as a national initiative each year.

Job shadowing can be important…

  • in your own personal career development. By overseeing someone in a particular profession, you can get a sense of what working in a position like theirs would entail and if it’s an area you could see yourself pursuing a career in. Some job shadows may even result in future internships or jobs.
  • on your resume. All job shadows may be unique in some way. Some may include hands-on experience, while others might include observing research in a lab. Either way, job shadowing can show experience on your resume, in addition to skills like communication, time-management, and professionalism.

So, while there is a chance that the groundhog may not see his shadow this year, know that more than 100,000 businesses will have shadows: those of more than one million students participating in National Groundhog Job Shadow Day, which you can become a part of by considering a job shadowing experience. For more information about job shadowing, check out the Career Services website.


Posted by Erica Evans, Career Services Assistant

Ready to get inspired for your job, internship, or career search? Each month we will spotlight an OSU student that has inspired us when it comes to their career development. Check out their success stories—besides inspiration, they also show that academic major does not have to restrict your goals and that there are many ways to define success.

Want to nominate an OSU student or alum for the Student/Alum Spotlight series? Or do you want to share your own success? Then please fill out this quick form and Career Services will contact the person nominated.

Name: Emily Berkey

Major: Sociology & Human Development & Family Sciences

Year in School: Senior

Industry: Music

The music industry can be challenging to get into. Tell us how you got started.
I took advantage of every opportunity that came my way. I began by doing hospitality for an artist at a concert, and took that opportunity to network and make connections beyond those that were already given to me. That night I was able to walk away with a video taped interview, an internship with a woman who does PR work, and a connection to the artist, whom I still keep in touch with.

 What did you do in your position?
I began, just like everyone else, at the bottom of the music industry totem pole. By being positive and staying true to myself, I have been able to make lasting connections. I quickly ascended from hospitality to interviewer, to now writing for a large magazine.
I am also the Director of Promotions at KBVR FM, and the host of Sunday Night Slow Jams. KBVR FM has been a great resource to get my voice out there and to network with others. I am able to help smaller, underground artists by playing them on my show, and have been able to utilize social networking sites to build my listener base.

What advice do you have for others who are preparing for their job search or career?
I would advise others to follow their passion and to never stop dreaming. If you have a passion and an idea of what you want to do, pursue it. It’s amazing how far positive thinking will get you. I would also encourage people to not be discouraged and to welcome criticism, and even ask for it! I believe it’s really important to never stop learning, so welcome knowledge from others but receive it with a critical ear.

Did Career Services assist you anyway? If so, how?
I met with career counselor, Marian Moore, for the first time in February of 2012. I told her where I was and where I wanted to be. She calmly looked at me and basically said, “ok, let’s do this!”. Marian truly believed in me and quickly became one of my greatest cheerleaders. She legitimized my desire to work in an industry that would be challenging and a test of my wits and character. Marian believed in me when many others didn’t, and helped me to organize my thoughts and goals in order to pursue my dream in a practical, non-overwhelming way. Before I knew it, I was checking things off of my goal list and seeing amazing progress. Thank you, Marian!!

To view this job/internship listing, you must be a currently registered OSU student and have an existing Beaver JobNet account. If you are eligible and do not have an account, register now. Beaver JobNet is a great way to get your job or internship search started. Meet employers from a variety of organizations.

Job/Internship of the Week
START Leader
OSU New Student Programs and Family Outreach


New Student Programs & Family Outreach is seeking to employ qualified, currently enrolled undergraduate
students who are enthusiastic, hard-working and committed to assisting prospective and/or incoming students
and their families through OSU’s START program. START is the summer advising and registration program
for incoming students and their families. START leaders will take away new skills and experiences that will
open doors and aid them in future careers and opportunities.

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

While the economy is still mired in a recessive state, slowly working itself back towards high employment and higher wages, it seems that the students who find it hardest to get a job upon graduation are those who major in the humanities or liberal arts. While engineers, scientists, and accountants slot easily into new jobs, English, history, and philosophy majors find themselves only able to apply for jobs that are marked with the dreaded “All Majors Welcome” label. This is not a slight on those who receive a job, merely a factual statement that demonstrates the complete reversal the United States had undergone since C.P. Snow’s “The Two Cultures” – Science vs. Humanities – in the early 1960s.

I myself am a historian, someone who got his bachelor’s degrees in 4 years and then graduated in 2010, right in the middle of the worst recession since the 1920s. My options were few and far between, and no matter how hard I looked, jobs never appeared. Instead –and perhaps against my own best judgment – I chose to return to school, again choosing history for my graduate program. As I plan to graduate in June of this year, I find myself stressing over the thought of looking for and applying to jobs. It is not the process that scares me, but rather, the fear of being told “No” or, worse yet, not being told anything at all.

While this may seem somewhat depressive and very much not arguing for the humanities as the title implies, the realization that students in the humanities have a harder time finding a job has actually changed my perspective and opened my eyes to the possibilities that we sociologists, historians, and language majors can offer to the professional world.

As a history student, the skills that I have learned and the knowledge that I have gained may seem like little more than a memorization of names, dates, and facts to an outsider. However, to me, I know that I now possess critical thinking skills that allow me to synthesize and evaluate a variety of sources and compile them into a larger body of work that conveys a new importance and a new meaning. I have gained a knowledge and appreciation for different cultures and their histories, allowing me to connect with their stories and better understand what they have gone through. Similarly, I now have better communication and collaboration skills, working efficiently and effectively with others to succeed in ways that others cannot.

When I graduate from OSU, I may not become a historian and my understanding of a war or a famous historical figure may never again come in handy. That does not make my degree in the humanities a failure or a waste of time, rather it demonstrates that sometimes the content of what we learn is not the most important, but rather, it is the context, the process, and the manner in which we learn that will truly help us in the future.

Posted by Peter Rumbles, Career Services Assistant

To view this job/internship listing, you must be a currently registered OSU student and have an existing Beaver JobNet account. If you are eligible and do not have an account, register now. Beaver JobNet is a great way to get your job or internship search started. Meet employers from a variety of organizations.

Job/Internship of the Week    
Data Analytics Specialist
Pacific Source Health Plans


Provide data analysis for PacificSource to achieve the goals and initiatives identified in our Strategic Plan. Primary subject of analytic support will be related to analysis of cost and utilization of health services, in support of large employer reporting, financial modeling for provider contracting analysis, and identification of opportunities and evaluation of health services activities, including, but not limited to, disease management, wellness programs, and early identification of high risk populations. Analytical role may vary and involve knowledge of contract language, healthcare utilization, performance analysis for clinical programs, state and federal guidelines.

For more information on this or other positions and to complete a required application, please visit us online at Like us on Facebook at PacificSource Health Plans Careers.

PacificSource is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.

For more information on how to apply check out the posting in Beaver JobNet

“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”  ~Martin Luther King, Jr.


As a Career Advisor, I often work with students who are dismayed by the resume writing process. They don’t have experience directly relevant to their field of interest, and it seems like they need experience to get that experience. Before I learned about career development and targeting resumes to specific opportunities, I thought this way too. How do I get a job if I need a job to get a job?

But there are tons of ways to gain experience in your field or to develop transferable skills that you would use in almost any field. It’s all a matter of how to frame your experience to show potential employers that you have the skills you need to do the work. You can do internships, seasonal temporary jobs, on-campus jobs, and join student organizations. You can do undergraduate research or start your own small company. The avenue I’d like to advocate for today, in light of the upcoming holiday celebrating the incredible inspiration of Martin Luther King, Jr., is to volunteer.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” With this statement, he was calling on all of us to step forward and serve. If you get involved in community service, you will help others. You will forge lasting and rewarding relationships. And others will teach you incredible lessons about their lives and what needs to change in this world to make it better.

Think about the skills you already have that you could offer. Are you great at designing websites? Organizing people? Planning events? Fundraising? Working with children? Do you have particular expertise that a nonprofit or human services organization would find useful? Offer that expertise up to an organization and commit some of your time to their work. Or, on the other hand, do you want to learn more about a specific area within human services or what environmental nonprofits do? Offer your volunteer hours to an organization in that field and commit to doing whatever the organization needs. I would be willing to bet that you will probably get more out of the experience than you ever thought possible. It will surprise you how much you will learn, about yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing, as well as the field you volunteer in. And you will be helping others and the world in the process.

The added bonus is that you can easily record this information on your resume, highlighting any transferrable skills or knowledge that relates to the positions you apply for. These volunteer experiences show employers a lot about you. They show a lot about your character and the values you hold. They show a ton about your work ethic and ability to multitask, juggling school and volunteering responsibilities. They also can show, dependent on the organization you work with and the work you do, relevant skills for your field of interest. In addition, you will build a network of people who can be a support to you in your job search and may offer referrals or connect you to colleagues. Finally, your volunteer experiences will teach you amazing things about how to work and communicate effectively with others who may be different from you, which is a skill you need in any workplace. You can write about those people skills on your resume.

I hope you will take a moment this coming 3 day weekend to reflect on the ways in which you serve and could serve others, in honor of an amazing man who called on us all to do so. And I hope once you reflect on that, you decide to volunteer. A couple of events are coming up around campus that can help you make this happen. First, participate in the MLK Day of Service, sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement. In addition, February 6th, Career Services and the Center for Civic Engagement are teaming up to sponsor the Nonprofit and Volunteering Fair. Also, Career Services has a page dedicated to finding volunteer opportunities, as does the Center for Civic Engagement.

You can make a difference in the lives of others by offering your time and your skills, and you will learn and grow and develop in the process. Try it!

Posted by Jessica Baron, Graduate Assistant Career Advisor in Career Services

Ever see random people standing on the corner of a street with a sign that says: “Free Hugs”? Well believe it or not National Hug Day is a non-public holiday that occurs on the 21st of January. The purpose of this holiday is to help everyone show more emotion in public by offering “free” hugs to anyone and everyone you want.

Kevin Zaborney is credited for creating this holiday. An interesting fact about National Hug Day is that the date, January 21 marks the midpoint between Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Studies show that at this midpoint everyone is at their emotional low. With National Hug Day everyone who is embarrassed to show their feelings in public can change that with a simple hug whether it is from a family member, someone you know or even from a complete stranger.

Wondering what the benefits of hugging are? Studies have shown that human contact has many benefits; it improves both physical and psychological development. Hugging also helps to build and maintain healthy immune systems. Hugging someone can also help them if they are having a bad day; you never know what a simple hug can do for someone. This National Hug Day is practiced all over the world because hugging is simply a kind gesture.

So don’t forget to participate in this Holiday, and don’t forget that even though it may not be National Hug Day someone could always use a hug!

Posted by Hulali Kaapana, Career Services Career Assistant