Oregon State University will hold its first spring Green Career Day during Earth Week. The event takes place April 21, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Green employers will be showcasing their sustainable efforts, networking with OSU students, and some will be highlighting employment/internships. The event will help students learn about career paths and strategies for entering the green job market as well as assist green employers to connect with OSU students.

Green Career Day combines education with professional development for students.  Students will learn about green companies and how to get a job in this area through a variety of workshops and also connect with local and national green organizations at the event. The workshops on Green Career Day include:

Green Jobs: Alumni Panel Discussion – Q&A with OSU alums who are now working at green companies.
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m., Memorial Union Ballroom

What is a green job and how do I get one? – Leonard Adler, the Founder of Green Jobs Network, will speak about the green industry and how to connect people who are seeking jobs that focus on environmental or social responsibility with jobs and career development resources.
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., Memorial Union Ballroom

There will also be other workshops to help students get ready to meet employers on Green Career Day:

**All workshops take place at Career Services-B-008 Kerr Administration Building***

Monday, April 18th
10-11 Resume Writing Workshop (cookies provided)
12-1 Interviewing (pizza provided)
4-5 Effective Job Search (cookies provided)

Tuesday, April 19th
11-12 Effective Job Search (pizza provided following the presentation)
12-1 Internship Search (pizza provided)
2-3 Resume Writing Workshop (cookies provided)

For more information about Green Career Day and workshops visit the Career Services web site.

View employers/organizations attending

If you have questions and/or want more information please contact Career Services at 737-4085.

Posted by Jen Busick, Career Services Resource Specialist

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