Beavers Beyond OSU is an opportunity for students and alumni to share a successful internship, career related experience, project or study abroad opportunity. Perhaps you’ve discovered a new passion or created a start-up. Or you’ve had a meaningful experience that can inspire and educate others on ways to find intentional careers. If you have a story to share, we’d love to hear from you.

To share your story, please submit your interest below.

Name: Emily Berkey

Major: Double major in Sociology: Criminology and Penology & Human Development and Family Sciences

Year: Senior

Tell us about your national exchange experience? I attended Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, through the National Student Exchange Program. There, I was able to network with music industry booking agents and event coordinators and interview them about their careers. Additionally, I was able to link up with over 50 students from around the country, including the CEO of Royal Fam Entertainment in New Orleans, Louisiana.

What was your title? West Coast Director of Promotions for Royal Fam Entertainment

What did you do? I spread awareness and stimulated interest about Royal Fam amongst college aged students. I also gained more insight into the music industry. As a result of working promotions in Baton Rouge, I became the West Coast Director of Promotions for Royal Fam Entertainment.

How did you hear about this opportunity? Through a recommendation from a friend, followed by my own networking.

What did you gain personally and professionally from this experience? I gained a lot of lifelong friendships and connections, as well as insight into the music industry. Specifically, I solidified myself as a successful public relations assistant.

What did you learn about yourself? I learned that I am skilled in promotions and networking, and am able to translate ideas into action.  I also learned that I’m a successful communicator with all groups of people and represented the message of the organization successfully.

What skills did you develop or learn? I learned the importance of networking and advocating for myself. Additionally, I was able to practice representing myself and others in a positive way, sharing my creativity to inspire others, as well as communicating ideas and strategies in a clear manner.

How did your education/experiences help to prepare you for this type of opportunity? I volunteered at the Pride Center on campus, currently work at the Writing Center, and volunteer at KBVR. My varied experiences have exposed me to very diverse groups of people. This, along with my sociology and human development and family sciences majors, has prepared me with both educational and real life experiences for working and communicating with diverse groups of people.

What information can you share with your peers or others interested in this field? Although National Student Exchange no longer exists at Oregon State, I suggest that students look for internships out of state in any field they’re interested in. By leaving your comfort zone and a town that you’re used to, you are really able to grow personally and professionally.

Marian Moore, Career Development Coordinator/Career Counselor in Career Services at OSU is passionate about empowering others holistically to find meaningful and sustainable careers that promote lifestyle optimization. Interests: Career Coaching, Talent and Human Capital Management, Curriculum Design and Development, International Education, Personal Branding, Organizational Development, Entrepreneurship, Global Economic Development, Human Rights and Immigrant and Refugee advocacy.

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