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Job/Internship of the WeekMarketing and Communication

Marketing and Communications Specialist


Oregon State University’s Colleges of Business and Engineering, in collaboration with the Office of Information Services, seeks an interested individual willing to assist with marketing and promotion of an upcoming event. The internship begins immediately and culminates with the event on Wednesday, October 30, 2013. There may be some time commitment following the event for debriefing and wrap up.

Young women embracing technology is at an all-time low. Society continues to reinforce the stereotype of people in technology, having young women believing technology is not for them. NetApp, a world premier provider of storage or storage solutions for technology, is working to dispel the image by hosting an event titled, College to Careers. The public/private partnership is targeting young women with the intent of increasing interest in careers in the technology field, by inspiring, empowering and leading the way. This position is instrumental to the success of the NetApp event at OSU.


  • Help with the marketing and promotion on the OSU Campus.
  • Work directly with the contact(s) at NetApp and may require participation in a weekly 30-minute planning update conference call.
  • Develop and deliver print and electronic communications
  • Assist with webpage management, manage Twitter and FaceBook feeds and more.

If you are interested in serving in this internship position, please prepare and submit through Beaver JobNet a current resume and cover letter that describes your experience and/or skills and abilities you possess which will contribute to the success of this event.

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

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