This project has been an absolute whirlwind. I don’t believe I have enjoyed a project more. This is my first time creating a mobile application and there has been so much to learn. It has been both frustrating and gratifying. My favorite technology from it has been the mobile application development of it. Because mobile applications dominate a large sector of technology today, it feels great knowing that I am capable of creating an application. The use of my group’s application is extremely beneficial to animal adopters and struggling animals as well. The mobile aspect makes it easily accessible and fluid. Since this is my first time using a mobile application developer, the app could use better frontend design and better user friendly action availability in the application.
Being a large database for animals up for adoption has been a strong use of AI in our project. Our app is the liaison between animal adopters and the animal shelters. It is a method of communication for advertising these animals so that they may become adopted. It is extremely beneficial for the presentation of these animals in a fun and creative way showing these animals as if they were on a dating app looking for potential adopters. This draws adopters better than just pictures on a website. On the other hand, this can cause less adopters to visit shelters in person and physically interact with these animals because of its online information accessibility. Creating this project has made me a much stronger programmer and definitely a more versatile one. I am continuing to enjoy working on this project and can’t wait for it to come together at the end of the semester!
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