Feel Like Giving Up? Yeah me too. But Don’t!

CS467 Blog #4

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Feel like giving up? Yeah me too. But keep pushing through.

Over the course of the past few years of this online program, I’ll admit I felt like giving up and throwing in the towel. There have been some challenging courses and specifically challenging assignments where I have run into a wall and was completely stuck.

It was during these moments where the storm clouds began growing over my head and the knot in my stomach grew tighter and tighter physically forcing me to wrench over in agony as I knew the deadline was approaching and I still had a non-working program.

I’ll even admit it, during these periods where I was stuck on a problem, I straight up cried in frustration and anxiety.

The dread continues to grow until it’s unbearable; to the point when you question, “why am I doing this?” Once you’ve asked yourself this question, prepare for the downward spiral of negative thoughts and emotions.

It’s during this phase where you question if you should quit.

When emotions are high and the pain is unbearable, quitting is a tempting offer to escape. Rational thought is diminished and poor judgement occurs making you genuinely consider throwing away all of the current progress you have made.

Don’t Quit 3 Feet From Treasure

Sharon L. Lechter & Greg S. Reid with the Napoleon Hill Foundation

Often it is the case where we get stuck and feel like quitting closer to the finish line than we know.

For all the times I was stuck, I took a 5-10 minute break to cool my jets and then got back to it in a lowered emotional state.

Through the times that I felt like quitting the assignment, the course, the program, I kept pushing. I sometimes failed to come up with the correct solution when I submitted the assignment, but I submitted it knowing I did my best. But I never gave up.

Just know it will be okay

It seriously will be! Just take things one at a time. Start with the hard things and if you get stuck, move onto another task, preferably one that is easier (like writing this blog!)

And always keep the big picture in mind.

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